A few new things I have noticed Evelyn doing lately...
1) She has named one of her baby dolls "Som", after one of my girlfriends, Sam. Apparently, she knows Sam real well because she's always getting time outs!
2) I've noticed that when Evelyn is putting together a puzzle or stacking blocks she counts, "1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2,..." She truly is a baby genius! :) (kidding!)
3) Evelyn does not know how to play nice. Every play date we have she is always poking, pushing, or hitting kids. Time outs are just not working...she always goes back for more.
4) Perhaps the most obvious, Evelyn has learned to climb out of her crib! Yesterday at nap time I had just snuggled up on the couch with a bowl of Jell-o when I heard BOOM! I ran into Evelyn's room to find her casually walking around. She greeted me with, "Whoa! Fall!". Nice try kid, but you've been sleeping in that crib for 16months and have never fallen out before! After placing her back in bed I waited outside the door, peering in the crack, but she didn't attempt another escape...until later that night. At bedtime last night Jared, Sam, and I walked in once to find her hanging from the rail by her hands, feet dangling only inches from the ground. Second, we found her straddling the rail with one leg out. So, Daddy took action immediately and brought the crib down to it's lowest position. We then sat outside her room and watched as she grunted in an attempt to get her leg up on the side. After realizing this would not work, she then sat for 10 minutes rattling the railing like a monkey in the zoo before finally giving up. So problem solved!....for now. Until she's tall enough to get out again!
Can't blog without a pic :) Evelyn and our friends Aubry and Anthony going for a walk down the nature trail!