Last month, a bar downtown started on fire but fortunately only suffered internal damage.
This weekend, a 10 car train derailed only feet from our house. Jared even got to witness the entire thing! We've made several video updates throughout the weekend but are less than thrilled that our front yard has turned into a tourist site. There were people out there only seconds after it happened! I couldn't believe it. Cars were pulled over, people were in the street with cameras and camcorders. All the surrounding roads had to be blocked off, but of course, the intersection directly in front of our house is open, excluding the entrance to our one way street which is blocked on both ends meaning we physically have to remove barricades to leave our home. Not fun. Another un-fun part of this madness was that the men worked a straight 24hours after the wreck happened. Needless to say, the night was basically sleepless with sounds of, "Boom...scraaaaaapeeee....eeeen, eeeen, eeeen". (That last sound was a tractor reversing if anyone was confused). And still, 2 days later there are still people pulling over, trudging through our yard and basically acting completely obnoxious while TONS of semi's, tractors and police clean up the wreckage. I only wish Riley could have been here. He would have been PUMPED!!! Here is a clip...
More un-fun weekend news....Evelyn, who has not been sick ALL year has contracted some kind of strange illness. She has had an on-again, off-again 102.6 degree fever since Friday afternoon. She'll be fine one minute, on fire the next, whiny and cuddly then completely independent. Repeat 230498 times, and that was our weekend! Oh, with no sleep thanks to the train wreck of a yard we now have (pun intended!) Thankfully she has remained cool since after nap today but is still going to miss her Valentine's Day party tomorrow to be safe. :( We have our own little party planned so we'll hopefully make up for it!