Tonight I drove downtown to begin my evening walk. I kept a medium steady pace, returning to my car feeling great about this accomplishment. After circling the route I had just taken I realized I had just walked about 2 miles in 45 minutes. Not too shabby for someone who's done absolutely nothing but sit on the couch holding a baby for the last 3 months! Well, 2 months and 1 week, the rest of the time I was just pregnant and lazy. But back to the story-I returned home with pride, ready to brush my teeth, wash my face and hit the sack. When I walked in the door Jared announced he had just put Evelyn to bed seconds before I arrived and I could walk in and say goodnight to her. I crept into her room to find her contently lying in her crib, giraffe pajamas on, cooing to herself while happily looking around the room. Once she spotted me hovering over her crib to sneak a peak her face lit up with a gigantic toothless grin. After leaning down to kiss her and turning to finish my nightly routine I heard her let out one of her newfound shrieks. I stood outside the door hoping the fussing would subside and she would forget all about it, but after about two minutes she became a crying mess. I opened the door and walked back in and the crying stopped the instant I reached in to pick her up. So, I wrapped her up in her quilt, sat in the rocking chair and had a little one on one with my beautiful baby girl. After letting out a few burps, puking a little on my shoulder-for the 5th time on this t-shirt today, and having a few sucks on the ol' paci, she quietly nodded off to sleep. I found myself tearing up staring at my sweetie's pretty little face realizing that all she wanted in that moment and time was me-to see my face and hear my voice and feel my touch. I realized that one day she'll be grown up and not want to touch or hug me because she's a big girl and it deeply saddened me. I wish I could have stayed in that moment forever. I guess it's true what they say-the best things in life are free.

I LOVE that picture! It's absolutely adorable!