Monday, December 21, 2009

Cheap Thrills

Due to FOUR new teeth coming in at once and a smidgen of a cold Evelyn had quite a time last night (waking every 2hours and finally falling asleep 1hour before I had to wake up for work!). We've been sending Oberweis Dairy Christmas cards to all of Jared's customers and Evelyn has grown increasingly determined to get her hands on one. So last night out of pity I let her have one. It instantly turned her frown upside down. The next half hour went like this-Evelyn handed the card to Jared, Jared handed the card to me, I handed the card to Evelyn, we would all laugh. Who knew that was the answer to our problems the past few nights!

We've also used the Christmas cards to encourage her to walk. She has begun standing on her own at only 8months and has even taken a few steps a time or two. It's amazing!

Between her new fake laughs, standing/walking and her great sense of humor we've been having a blast these past few months. I never thought I could have so much fun with a baby!


  1. Glad to see you're back! I'm sure Evelyn has changed even since Thanksgiving! Hope we can get together over the holidays......Have a blessed Christmas with your baby girl!
    Love, Aunt M

  2. Yay! So glad to see you're back on! I can totally picture that card-passing game and think I might go play it right now! :)
