Taking a bath is Evelyn's favorite pastime, aside from eating dirty kleenex, digging poopy diapers out of the garbage in her room and playing with empty cardboard boxes. But, hey, what can I say? She's easy to please. I'm glad we wasted money on the zillion toys she has for her to enjoy such cheap thrills! It really is amusing to see her joy when presented with a spoon to play with or a clean washcloth, her favorite bath toy. Check it out!
She definitely leads well by example, too. She's learned to mimic coughing and all kinds of words, baby is her newest. She loves to explore new things and teaches herself new skills everyday, such as hording. It's her latest thing. She hordes books and all kinds of toys. Different things. Even in the bathtub.
Here's more bath time fun.
Mmmmmm. Love that soapy bath water!