Evelyn has made a huge improvement the past 2 days. The cool mist humidifier has made a world of difference. She has slept through the past 2 nights with no coughing fits and no trips to the steamy bathroom. She remains a tad congested and has a touch of a loose, flemmy cough. But overall she is back to her mischievous, disobeying self. Her appetite is back and I'm no longer forcing bottles upon her and she's definitely caught up on sleep. She fell asleep in her carseat and because of the upright design I thought it best for her to spend the remainder of her nap in the seat. I carefully took her out and laid a blanket down in it for her to lay on and placed her back in the seat with a blanket and her lovie while I went to put some things away. When I came back in 5minutes she was in this position that she slept in for 2hours.
Other exciting sleep news-Evelyn has her first pair of two-piece pjs, a hand-me-down from little Ne Ne.
I can't believe her carseat nap! Too funny! She looks adorable in her big girl jammies. It sounds like she keeps you hoppin'! So glad to hear she's feeling better.