Evelyn woke up this morning an hour early giving us plenty of time to take a much needed bath. After breakfast, I stripped her down and let her run around in the nude as I usually do while getting her bath ready. She was suspiciously quiet when I came out of the bathroom to retrieve her. I found her sitting on the living room floor rubbing her fingers into the rug and carpet. I saw a pile at her feet and thought, "Oh no, she threw up!" But, no. It was poop. A big pile of poop! She was rubbing it into the carpet and rug, she had finger smears of it on her legs, some in her hair. She also had a pull out piece from a book that was stuck to her hand with poop. When I stood her up she tried to run away leaving several poopy baby footprints ground into my carpet. After a quick clean using baby wipes and some vigorous scrubbing of my living room carpet we finally made it to the bath. She gave a whole new meaning to her one of her nicknames, Monkey.
Caught red-handed!

Scene of the crime...it looked worse in person.

All clean :)
Ooo--I know! Maybe she should get some play-doh for her first birthday! WAY cleaner fun.