I mentioned how Evelyn recognizes Dora and the rest of her cast in my last post. Today, I realized she knows some of the words to the theme song! It seems like this happened overnight.
Her favorite CD has a song that goes, "C'mon and hop, hop, hop right in. Hop into the toad motel." She now requests it whenever we get into the car. As well as a song that goes "I spilled my juice, juice, juice on the kitchen table." She identifies this song as "juice!" It's pretty amazing how fast they learn! Well......I mean this is the only Cd we have ever listened to in the car for about a year now, but still!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Summer Fun
We have definitely been enjoying the summer weather! We had our first trip to the lake and our first family picnic EVER...

And Evelyn took her first dip in the pool with some old friends of ours. We dunked her 4times and she never cried. In fact, she was lovin' it! Our friends have a dog that uses the pool steps to gracefully walk into the pool, swim a few laps, then float around on his own personal raft. Puppies and a giant bathtub!! Evelyn was in heaven. We stayed up two hours past her nap time but it was worth it. She had a blast and slept great and mommy got to relax in the pool and visit with some great friends.
Helloooo puppies!

Soaking her arms...

And Evelyn took her first dip in the pool with some old friends of ours. We dunked her 4times and she never cried. In fact, she was lovin' it! Our friends have a dog that uses the pool steps to gracefully walk into the pool, swim a few laps, then float around on his own personal raft. Puppies and a giant bathtub!! Evelyn was in heaven. We stayed up two hours past her nap time but it was worth it. She had a blast and slept great and mommy got to relax in the pool and visit with some great friends.
Helloooo puppies!
Soaking her arms...
Monday, May 24, 2010
Fan Craze
I knew Evelyn was a fan of Dora, but I never realized it had gotten this far. After purchasing a Dora bean bag chair from the Kelly/Eggers garage sale, I realized Evelyn could identify the main character of the show, "Doh-uh!" But yesterday, I realized she knew everyone in the whole darn show! When the Dora theme song came on last night she was yelling, "Doh-uh! Doh-uh!", "Bck-pock! Bck-pock!". She identified "mop" as map, and when told to say "Swiper no swiping," she repeatedly shouted, "Aww mann! Aww mann! Aww mann!" I never realized how much she really does pay attention. Here I thought she was mindlessly zoning out into the tv watching the colors but she really knows what's going on. And it's adorable :)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Money Well Spent
We hit it big at the Kelly/Eggers garage sale! Evelyn scored a new blue rocking horse, a Dora bean bag chair, a zebra riding toy, a few DVDs and books, and a baby swing and bouncy seat for our future children....in 5 years!
Once we were home Evelyn was excited to show off her new toys to Daddy.

After the sale we split a Portillo's Italian beef with Grandma Jo and enjoyed the great weather. We had a good time. It's days like this that make me wish I lived closer. Days like this also make me miss my Grandpa Eli. Evelyn got so sit in his kit car for the first time today. He would have loved to see that. I have such vivid memories of going for rides in it when I was younger and just playing in it in the driveway. I'm glad Evelyn can enjoy it, too.
Once we were home Evelyn was excited to show off her new toys to Daddy.
After the sale we split a Portillo's Italian beef with Grandma Jo and enjoyed the great weather. We had a good time. It's days like this that make me wish I lived closer. Days like this also make me miss my Grandpa Eli. Evelyn got so sit in his kit car for the first time today. He would have loved to see that. I have such vivid memories of going for rides in it when I was younger and just playing in it in the driveway. I'm glad Evelyn can enjoy it, too.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Nap, please.
A few hours after Evelyn woke from her nap I felt a bad migraine setting in. I attempted to rest my eyes in silence on the living room couch for a few minutes. After about 5 seconds I heard Evelyn whining. I walked into her room and found her wedged between her crib rail and her miniature rocking chair she had pushed up against the side of her crib. When I walked in she reached up to her bed as if she had been trying to climb in. I laid her in there and she collapsed on her stomach and shut her eyes. I thought to myself, "Are ya kidding me!?" then quickly returned to my couch before she could change her mind. She didn't make a sound for an hour. The kid was asking for a nap! What could be better than that?
Mother's Day 2010
This was by far the best of my two Mother's Days. The morning began with Jared waking up first to change Evey Bug's diaper while I turned on the TV and got comfy. We all snuggled in bed for about 5 minutes and Jared couldn't contain himself any longer. He and Evelyn rushed out of the room returning with 2 cards and a present. Since we misplaced my camera a few weeks ago and I've been in agony not being able to take a picture every 30seconds, Jared and Ev got me a Nikon touch screen digital camera (like the one from the commercials with Ashton Kutcher). It has an awesome zoom and all kinds of neat features including built in photo shop. It also came with a very nice leather case and tons of accessories. After breakfast in the living room (not bed as I do not want to get crumbs in my freshly changed bed) we relaxed around the house until nap time. I relaxed anyways as the roles were reversed and Jared did the dishes and cleaning. After naptime, we drove to my parents where we exchanged gifts, played outside, and had a delicious roast. It was such a relaxing, family filled day. It couldn't have been better.
Three lovely ladies.

Evey's adorable outfit.

Me and Daddy.

Daddy using photo shop on the camera.

Mommy trying the photo shop. Doesn't he look great?

Here's Ev pushing around her baby.
Three lovely ladies.
Evey's adorable outfit.
Me and Daddy.
Daddy using photo shop on the camera.
Mommy trying the photo shop. Doesn't he look great?
Here's Ev pushing around her baby.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Today we had a small family party for my step-brother Garrett's birthday. Evelyn was delighted to eat cake but confused when the candles were lit and it wasn't placed in front of her. She also enjoyed shouting, "Birthday! Birthday!" in Garrett's honor.
Her favorite part of the day was definitely exploring outside with Grandpa.
Gary found this horse from an old playground at a garage sale and put it in his garden for Evelyn.

Another garage sale find!

Pretending to be asleep on the way home.
Her favorite part of the day was definitely exploring outside with Grandpa.
Gary found this horse from an old playground at a garage sale and put it in his garden for Evelyn.

Another garage sale find!

Pretending to be asleep on the way home.

In potty news, I don't remember the last time Evelyn has gone on her big girl potty. It was just a phase...unfortunately. But she does understand the concept. Last week we put her in her new big girl carseat in a dry diaper. While we were strapping her in she said, 'potty'. By the time we got to the babysitters not even 5 minutes away, she had gone #2 in her diaper. There have been other times where she has pointed to the bathroom or says 'potty' so we try and put her on but she cries. Then pees when she stands up. So...we'll have to figure out another route in potty training.
Her vocabulary is growing by the second!! A few of the many new words are sock, shoe, duck, nose (and knows where it is), ucky, Mom (instead of mama), and please and thank you and knows when they are appropriate which is awesome. So many children don't have common courtesy anymore. So I'm glad she is polite. Another word is vroom. She says this while she vacuums....all. day. long. Levonne gave her a vacuum cleaner for her birthday and it is suddenly her favorite toy! Friday we even had to take it to Grandma Nancy's because she refused to give it up. She loves to think she is helping us and it is quite adorable to watch. She keeps her new house very tidy...
Her vocabulary is growing by the second!! A few of the many new words are sock, shoe, duck, nose (and knows where it is), ucky, Mom (instead of mama), and please and thank you and knows when they are appropriate which is awesome. So many children don't have common courtesy anymore. So I'm glad she is polite. Another word is vroom. She says this while she vacuums....all. day. long. Levonne gave her a vacuum cleaner for her birthday and it is suddenly her favorite toy! Friday we even had to take it to Grandma Nancy's because she refused to give it up. She loves to think she is helping us and it is quite adorable to watch. She keeps her new house very tidy...

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