This was by far the best of my two Mother's Days. The morning began with Jared waking up first to change Evey Bug's diaper while I turned on the TV and got comfy. We all snuggled in bed for about 5 minutes and Jared couldn't contain himself any longer. He and Evelyn rushed out of the room returning with 2 cards and a present. Since we misplaced my camera a few weeks ago and I've been in agony not being able to take a picture every 30seconds, Jared and Ev got me a Nikon touch screen digital camera (like the one from the commercials with Ashton Kutcher). It has an awesome zoom and all kinds of neat features including built in photo shop. It also came with a very nice leather case and tons of accessories. After breakfast in the living room (not bed as I do not want to get crumbs in my freshly changed bed) we relaxed around the house until nap time. I relaxed anyways as the roles were reversed and Jared did the dishes and cleaning. After naptime, we drove to my parents where we exchanged gifts, played outside, and had a delicious roast. It was such a relaxing, family filled day. It couldn't have been better.
Three lovely ladies.

Evey's adorable outfit.

Me and Daddy.

Daddy using photo shop on the camera.

Mommy trying the photo shop. Doesn't he look great?

Here's Ev pushing around her baby.
Yay for a good mother's day! Nothing like a new camera when you have a cute baby to photograph!