A few things learned this weekend:
Evelyn learned"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", Mommy learned Evelyn knows the words to about 10songs.
Evelyn learned how to do a somersault,Daddy learned when to guide her over to complete the somersault
Evelyn learned "help you" means she needs help,Mommy learned "help you" means NOW!
Evelyn learned her last name is "Kern!", Daddy learned how to turn her last name into a rap song she can sing along with
She is quit the musically inclined child. She loves playing the piano, using only her index to play! Loves to sing, and even started a band with us: Mommy on the harmonica, Evelyn on the maracas and Daddy on the mic.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
The Fake Sleeping Monologues
Daddy: (fake sleeping)
Evelyn: Seep-in!
Mommy: (falls "fake" asleep)
Evelyn: Mommy! Seep-in! Ha ha.
Evelyn: (collapses onto Mommy and fake snores)
Once Daddy woke up, Evelyn would hop off the couch, run over and push him back into sleeping position.
Repeat 248 times and you have our night!
Following this fun theatrical performance, we went for a family bike ride after borrowing a bike trailer from our friends Andy and Laura. Evelyn loved the ride, proclaiming "Windy! Tree! Puppy! Car!" etc. Occasionally mixing in a "Whoa!" at the slightest bump or, "Mommy, fast!" when the pace was slowing down. Overall, it was a great ride and I'm pretty sure Evelyn enjoyed it judging by her behavior once arriving home-upon being taken out of the trailer and set on the garage floor she immediately climbed back in, simultaneously exclaiming, "Ride!"
Great night of family fun. :)
Evelyn: Seep-in!
Mommy: (falls "fake" asleep)
Evelyn: Mommy! Seep-in! Ha ha.
Evelyn: (collapses onto Mommy and fake snores)
Once Daddy woke up, Evelyn would hop off the couch, run over and push him back into sleeping position.
Repeat 248 times and you have our night!
Following this fun theatrical performance, we went for a family bike ride after borrowing a bike trailer from our friends Andy and Laura. Evelyn loved the ride, proclaiming "Windy! Tree! Puppy! Car!" etc. Occasionally mixing in a "Whoa!" at the slightest bump or, "Mommy, fast!" when the pace was slowing down. Overall, it was a great ride and I'm pretty sure Evelyn enjoyed it judging by her behavior once arriving home-upon being taken out of the trailer and set on the garage floor she immediately climbed back in, simultaneously exclaiming, "Ride!"
Great night of family fun. :)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Evelyn the Brute
Well! We found out today that Evelyn is the mean, bully girl at her daycare :( Everyday so far she has hit someone, one day hitting every single child who attends. I've watched it myself-This morning when I dropped her off, she began to play in a toy house outside. Another little girl simply opened the shutter and all I saw was Evelyn's little arm flail out the window to repeatedly hit her in the face. There are 3 other children the same age as Evelyn who go to this daycare, and none of them are as abusive as she. It makes me feel like a bad mother having her be the mean girl. I've tried time-outs, swatted back, and taken away toys but she still has this possessiveness that makes her hit constantly.
Fortunately, this afternoon on the drive to Yaya's house, she of course won my heart back. How you ask? Oh, just playing the harmonica to Single Ladies by Beyonce with a killer dance routine to follow!
Evelyn all ready for daycare this morning! And almost 34 inches tall! But not too happy for this picture. (She didn't want to stand up.)

Mommy at school today!!!
Fortunately, this afternoon on the drive to Yaya's house, she of course won my heart back. How you ask? Oh, just playing the harmonica to Single Ladies by Beyonce with a killer dance routine to follow!
Evelyn all ready for daycare this morning! And almost 34 inches tall! But not too happy for this picture. (She didn't want to stand up.)

Mommy at school today!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Proud to Be the One Liner Queen
So far, the school year is going great! Evelyn loves her new daycare and we've got our morning routine down. This semester I am leaving two hours earlier than last and I was dreading losing those few hours with her. So, I've been waking up a half hour early to be dressed and ready by the time she wakes up. I'm loving this time in the morning! I wouldn't miss it for the world. Because I'm going to school earlier, she is waking up from her nap as I get home and we have a good 4 1/2 hours before bed.
When I picked her up today, we took a 2mile walk and stopped at a nearby park on the way home. I can't believe how much Evelyn has grown this summer! She was going down slides she never tried before, could climb up the purple tube onto the higher level, and even attempted the bridge NO handed! It was a blast to watch and she was definitely proud!
Later in the night, she was taking a bath and again made herself proud. She was playing with a toy when suddenly she began to repeatedly say, "Ready. Set. Goooo!" I don't ever remember saying that in front of her. It's SO funny the little things they pick up on. She has been coming up with some pretty good one liners lately!
When I picked her up today, we took a 2mile walk and stopped at a nearby park on the way home. I can't believe how much Evelyn has grown this summer! She was going down slides she never tried before, could climb up the purple tube onto the higher level, and even attempted the bridge NO handed! It was a blast to watch and she was definitely proud!
Later in the night, she was taking a bath and again made herself proud. She was playing with a toy when suddenly she began to repeatedly say, "Ready. Set. Goooo!" I don't ever remember saying that in front of her. It's SO funny the little things they pick up on. She has been coming up with some pretty good one liners lately!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Beyonce Jr.
My little one man band has proved to have a few favorite songs:
1)"Doo doo doo Dora"=Dora the Explorer Theme Song
2)"Lou Lou Lou"=Skip To My Lou
3)"Juice Juice Table"=A song we have on Cd 'I spilled my juice, juice, juice, on the kitchen table"
All sang while tapping a foot or slapping a knee, and sometimes even accompanied by a harmonica.
She also has shown her increasing personality. This week she has learned to fake limp while saying "owwie" with each pathetic step, knock on the front door, pause, then yell "come in!", and a hilarious conversation she just had with Jared and I while playing in the living room.
Evelyn Kern on falling off her rocking horse-
Evelyn: Ok
Mommy: Are you ok?
Evelyn: Yes! Saw-wee!"
This girl cracks us up all day long!
1)"Doo doo doo Dora"=Dora the Explorer Theme Song
2)"Lou Lou Lou"=Skip To My Lou
3)"Juice Juice Table"=A song we have on Cd 'I spilled my juice, juice, juice, on the kitchen table"
All sang while tapping a foot or slapping a knee, and sometimes even accompanied by a harmonica.
She also has shown her increasing personality. This week she has learned to fake limp while saying "owwie" with each pathetic step, knock on the front door, pause, then yell "come in!", and a hilarious conversation she just had with Jared and I while playing in the living room.
Evelyn Kern on falling off her rocking horse-
Evelyn: Ok
Mommy: Are you ok?
Evelyn: Yes! Saw-wee!"
This girl cracks us up all day long!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
First Day Back :(
So today was the big day! The first day of fall semester. I started the morning bright and early at 6am for a cool, morning jog. After showering, doing the dishes, and straightening up the house, I woke up baby butt and we got to hang for a good half hour. After cleanin' her up and getting her dressed it was unfortunately time to go to Shelly's. Shelly is our neighbor across the street and a very dear friend who has taken Evelyn under her wing in her daycare. I asked, "Do you want to go to Shelly's?" Upon hearing her name Evelyn squealed in delight. She then drug her diaper bag and lunch box from the kitchen chair to the front door where she proceeded to knock on the door yelling, "Sheddy! Sheddy!" for a good ten minutes. Once we arrived she ran right in hugging Shelly, jumped on a bike, and refused to pay any attention to me, let alone give me a goodbye smooch. Well.....I'm glad that was easy for her! Because I was a mess on my way to school. I just miss her so much! Thankfully I'm so busy at school I don't have much time to wallow in my self despair.
After school I could not WAIT to see my baby girl! I rushed home, bursting through Shelly's front door, similarly to Kramer from Seinfeld. When I finally spotted my sweetie pie I could not believe what I saw. She turned around and ran to hug Shelly. I gotta admit I was a little jealous. Here I am crying and feeling guilty that she's at daycare and she doesn't even want to come home. I'm glad she has such a great time. It really makes my decision to go to school easier. One day she will understand that I had to spend this time away from her to better all of our lives. But for now, she could apparently care less!
After school I could not WAIT to see my baby girl! I rushed home, bursting through Shelly's front door, similarly to Kramer from Seinfeld. When I finally spotted my sweetie pie I could not believe what I saw. She turned around and ran to hug Shelly. I gotta admit I was a little jealous. Here I am crying and feeling guilty that she's at daycare and she doesn't even want to come home. I'm glad she has such a great time. It really makes my decision to go to school easier. One day she will understand that I had to spend this time away from her to better all of our lives. But for now, she could apparently care less!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Summer Lovin
Sadly, our summer is over! Momma starts school bright and early at 8am tomorrow morning! We have done so many fun things this summer. I know Evelyn has had the time of her short little life, but I'm still not ready to let her go. These past 2 1/2months I've spent with her were great and I know I'm going to have a hard time my first day back to school.
In preparation we have all the laundry done, a very clean house, and my bookbag packed. Evelyn is excited to spend the days with Dom, our neighbor boy across the street where she is starting daycare tomorrow. We spent our last summer night playing outside with the neighbors. Dom and Evelyn went on an house long Mustang ride that was absolutely adorable and the weather was perfect!

I'm going to miss these summer nights :(
After the Mustang ride, Evelyn and I laid in bed together, something we normally do not do. I just wanted to soak up my last few moments with her. We were laying there, trying to sleep as Evelyn was poking me for signs of life saying, "Mommy. Mommy. Mommy." Suddenly, she rolled over, put her arm around my neck for a hug and said, "Mommy. You." You=I Love you in Evelyn language. It was one of the greatest moments of my life. Love my sweet little gal :)
In preparation we have all the laundry done, a very clean house, and my bookbag packed. Evelyn is excited to spend the days with Dom, our neighbor boy across the street where she is starting daycare tomorrow. We spent our last summer night playing outside with the neighbors. Dom and Evelyn went on an house long Mustang ride that was absolutely adorable and the weather was perfect!

I'm going to miss these summer nights :(
After the Mustang ride, Evelyn and I laid in bed together, something we normally do not do. I just wanted to soak up my last few moments with her. We were laying there, trying to sleep as Evelyn was poking me for signs of life saying, "Mommy. Mommy. Mommy." Suddenly, she rolled over, put her arm around my neck for a hug and said, "Mommy. You." You=I Love you in Evelyn language. It was one of the greatest moments of my life. Love my sweet little gal :)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Wisconsin Vacation 2010
We're finally back from vacation! 5 days was starting to feel like forever when you're sleeping on a flat, fold out mattress and never really feel clean from the river. But we had the time of our lives! Evelyn LOVED the boat and river and we all had a great time. Our days mostly consisted of breakfast, a ride on the boat, lunch, nap, spending the evening out on the boat swimming/fishing, dinner, and more relaxing. One evening was spent driving around looking at the beautiful homes on the lake. These people are lucky!
Saturday night Jared and I went to the local bar while Evelyn and "Pa", as she calls him, stayed in for some snuggling. At first, we weren't having too much fun in this bar full of over dressed, over make-uped cougars, but once karaoke began everyone was having fun! Imagine a bar full of 30 people all screaming Bon Jovi as a mildly challenged man in a goofy hat sang on the mic. It was just so much fun!!!
Sunday, the guys fished while Evelyn and I headed into town for some sightseeing and lunch.
Unfortunately, once arriving home, we had to make a trip to the ER. Evelyn has a double ear infection and rash from the lake. :( Poor kid.
Overall, I think Evelyn loved the boat and the beach and probably would have stayed forever. We all had so much fun! But let me tell ya, it is nice to be at home sleeping in my own blankets with a clean shower and my own couch. There's no place like home!

Saturday night Jared and I went to the local bar while Evelyn and "Pa", as she calls him, stayed in for some snuggling. At first, we weren't having too much fun in this bar full of over dressed, over make-uped cougars, but once karaoke began everyone was having fun! Imagine a bar full of 30 people all screaming Bon Jovi as a mildly challenged man in a goofy hat sang on the mic. It was just so much fun!!!
Sunday, the guys fished while Evelyn and I headed into town for some sightseeing and lunch.
Unfortunately, once arriving home, we had to make a trip to the ER. Evelyn has a double ear infection and rash from the lake. :( Poor kid.
Overall, I think Evelyn loved the boat and the beach and probably would have stayed forever. We all had so much fun! But let me tell ya, it is nice to be at home sleeping in my own blankets with a clean shower and my own couch. There's no place like home!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Evelyn's personality has been showing up more and more these past few weeks. It's great that she's learning how to show her emotions. She has a new mad face which consists of a cowered head and puckered lips, as well as a backwards walk away from me, into the other room when she is told to settle down/not do something. But the funniest are her demands. While driving in the car she will shout, "Stop! Stop! Gout! Peese!" This means she has had enough of this car ride and would like to get out (gout) please. This afternoon we were on our way back from Grandma Jo's house. My mom and I were talking while Evelyn was trying to take a nap. Suddenly, waving her index finger, she shouts, "STOP!" We immediately quit speaking and watched as she laid her head down, closing her eyes. Man! She told us!
Here are a few cute pics from today.
Playing piano w/Grandpa

Evelyn's 1st Nike's :)
Here are a few cute pics from today.
Playing piano w/Grandpa

Evelyn's 1st Nike's :)

Monday, August 2, 2010
She's A Cumpata!
Evelyn has already taught herself to play Grandma Jo's spare harmonica she gave her a few weeks ago. We've only played with it a few times and she finally figured it out. And loves it! Just one more trick that makes her feel cool!
She has been enjoying her summer to the fullest, proven by her completely bruised shins, and we couldn't ask for a better one ourselves! Only one more week til family vaca!
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