Evelyn's personality has been showing up more and more these past few weeks. It's great that she's learning how to show her emotions. She has a new mad face which consists of a cowered head and puckered lips, as well as a backwards walk away from me, into the other room when she is told to settle down/not do something. But the funniest are her demands. While driving in the car she will shout, "Stop! Stop! Gout! Peese!" This means she has had enough of this car ride and would like to get out (gout) please. This afternoon we were on our way back from Grandma Jo's house. My mom and I were talking while Evelyn was trying to take a nap. Suddenly, waving her index finger, she shouts, "STOP!" We immediately quit speaking and watched as she laid her head down, closing her eyes. Man! She told us!
Here are a few cute pics from today.
Playing piano w/Grandpa

Evelyn's 1st Nike's :)
Is that a little bare butt pianist?? Hope you had a nice visit with Gr. Grandma.