Saturday we headed to Sterling IL to visit a "punkin" patch with some great friends of ours. It was a first for us! We had such a blast! We bought 2 wristbands for $5 a piece (Evelyn was free-score!), and with this we rode a hay rack ride, walked through a corn maze, picked punkins, played in a corn-filled playground, visited a petting zoo, jumped in a bounce house, got our face painted, and visited a haunted house that the workers explained was "not scary, it's for kids". Evelyn did great walking through the ghouls and goblins and the blood streaked walls, but once we hit the strobe lights, it was a different story! The remaining 5minutes (that felt like 5hours!) was filled with piercing screams and shouts of, "I saw-wee, I saw-wee!" It was so heart breaking. But once we made it out, it was nothing a piping hot, fresh baked apple cider donut couldn't cure!
Here are some pics of the Punkin Patch-
Evelyn and Ellia. Jared says, "this is so dumb. Why would you put your face in the side of his face?" We were dying laughing! And I love Evelyn's expression.

Even the big kids had fun!

Playing in the corn playground.


Daddy's girls :)

Me and my peeps.
hilarious head inside of Clifford! And great pictures overall! You can crop and use that one of the 3 of you for Christmas, man!