(Ignore the frown due to the unwanted picture being taken)

This day, Evelyn was mistaken for royalty when another girl came in saying, "Look, mom! A princess!"

The class usually goes something like this-running back and forth on a white line, doing random walks/jumpes (ie frog hop, crab walk), then an obstacle course consisting of a somersault, jumping into or over something, crawling in or under something, the balance beam and doing a back bend on this sweet pillow thing they have. Then they do different jumps on the trampoline, sometimes jump off onto a target and then have 10 minutes of free time. It's awesome! Even the parents have a blast on the trampolines.
Last week, Evelyn successfully made it across the 12 foot balance beam on her own (only falling off 2 or 3 times). Her teachers were very impressed, claiming they rarely see a child her age make it so far. Overall, I think she has great form and I definitely think this may be her thing. Go, Evey Girl!! Mommy's proud :)
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