Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Too Good To Be True

Last night my girlfriend Sam and I had a craving for Buffalo Wild Wings and I had to return some things at Marshalls so we headed to Peru. Evelyn went down for a second nap at 2 so since it was 4pm I decided to transfer her to the carseat and head out. She woke up when I picked her up and told me about her dreams while I changed her diaper and put on her coat and hat. She happily played with her Elmo phone on the ride to Peru, not making a peep. We went into Marhsalls for a while then drove to Hobby Lobby real quick. She was happy to look at all the interesting things in the stores and talk to us while we walked around. At Buffalo Wild Wings we fed her dinner before we ate then threw her a little shredded cheese and some puffs to enjoy while we at dinner. She enjoyed the atmosphere, she almost broke her neck to look at the big screen, and made friends with a cute little baby boy who waved back and forth with her the whole night. At one point some little girls behind us became fussy and began screaming, they were about 5years old. Evelyn was rubber necking to see what was going on and finally yelled out, "Ahhhh!" She was just trying to fit in. It was pretty hilarious. Once we bundled her up and got into the car she was completely content holding her lovey and was silent the whole way home. Man, am I lucky. She is SO good!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously! And then you have to remember those peaceful times when times aren't so...well...peaceful.
