Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Recent Conversations With Evelyn

While changing her diaper....
Evelyn: Oh no. Sheddy.
Me: What about Shelly?
Evelyn: Hit.
Me: You hit Shelly?
Evelyn: Yes.....saw-wee!

While playing with fake food, Evelyn holds up an apple.
Me: What's that?
Evelyn: Grapes.....Noooo! Apple! (Fake laugh while covering mouth)

During supper.
Me: Do you love your mommy?
Evelyn: No. Pa.....raisins.

While lying on the couch with Evelyn.
Me: You're silly!
Evelyn: No!!!
Me: Yes! (while breathing right in her face)
Evelyn: Eeeww! Stinky!

Well, she definitely inherited my humor! (And Grandma Jo's brutal honesty!) And it couldn't be funnier!


  1. She's becoming quite the conversationalist! You're right, funny too!

  2. HAHAHAHA the breath one reminds me of once with Paige told my dad he had "bad air"
