Monday, December 28, 2009

Walking In A Winter Wonderland

Evelyn has grown increasingly attached to me...and I love it. It's like she only wants me most of the time, and let me tell you, it's a great feeling. So last night Jared was holding her on the couch to look out the window when she looked down and saw me sitting on the floor. She wanted to come to me but we decided she had to do it on her own. So Jared held her about 3feet away from me and she took THREE steps to me!!! I got a little teary-eyed. I can't believe my baby girl is ready to walk! We repeated the process over and over and she continued to take a few steps. She's only 9months, this is crazy!


I hope everyone had a great Christmas. We had our best yet. Between staying up late on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa Clause to show (which he did at 11pm!) and opening presents for 3hours on Christmas morning, we were pretty exhausted. But it was worth it. Ev got to meet Santa and hysterically cry on his lap, she got tons of presents and most importantly we got to spend relaxing time with our family. It's only going to get better as the years go on. I'm enjoying being a parent more than I ever could have imagined at this young, ripe age of 21. I'm glad things happened how they did. I love my little family.

PS My cameras USB cord is broken and I just ordered one last night so I'll have to have an update blog with pics and videos of the past few weeks. I have some really good pics and some priceless videos.

1 comment:

  1. wah! I wanted pictures. And 3 hours of present opening? That's the best!
