Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Ouch. Evelyn's a biter! She understands no, this I'm sure of, but she just can't put two and two together sometimes. She definitely understands no. For instance, if I walk in on her sitting dangerously close to the television, drooling up at The Backyardigans I will say 'No!' and she almost jumps through the ceiling. It is too funny. She knows she's doing something wrong. But when she bites and you say no she thinks it's hilarious. Partly because when I tell her no she begins to pout and her big, sad lip just cracks me up. I guess laughing while saying no isn't the most effective way to scold her. But we're working on it.

Another thing Evelyn understands is the coming and going of company. When someone goes to leave she pathetically gazes up at them trying to convince them to stay. Then we sit on the couch to look out the window and wave bye-bye until they're out of sight. At this point Evey bends forward to look back and forth in case they're just pulling her leg. This is SUCH a fun stage.

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