Friday, April 9, 2010

Evil Knievil

Evelyn has been testing her limits for the past few months. She is she thinks. If sitting on the couch she thinks she can just walk over the edge to get down. With stairs, she just sticks her leg out like she can run right down them like us.

For her birthday she received a bike. You sit on it and use your legs to push yourself around. As for Evelyn, she mainly uses it to store miscellaneous things in the seat-pacifiers, books, cups, etc. But her favorite thing to use it for is her balancing act.


  1. Oh man! Get that girl on a surf board!

  2. That is the most agile kid I've ever seen!!

  3. Aw, I miss Evelyn!
    Driver's Ed ended yesterday, which means I'm free on the weekends.. I gotta come out there ASAP!
