Oh. My. Goodness. Today was a hot mess. Remember when I said Evelyn went to bed early and would probably sleep late? That's what usually happens. But not last night. She woke up at 5am to eat. Fortunately I was planning on waking up at 5:30 to get ready for schoolso after feeding her I took a shower and she peacefully fell back to sleep.
On my break I called Caroline to see how she was doing. I usually get a great report, but not today-it was noon and guess what! Still no nap, just like yesterday. Evelyn was quite fussy all afternoon and apparently just wanted to be held. Uh-oh. She is so not going to be one of those babies!!! But she has been showing symptoms of teething lately and I know being needy and wanting to be comforted are other signs. Hopefully that's it, I can't have her turning on me when I'm so accustomed to having such a well behaved babe.
From the sounds of it, Evelyn and I were having a simliar afternoon-I was totally crabby. Even if I get enough sleep, waking up at 5am just kills me-I'm totally worn out by the end of the day. I was so glad when class was over. Today was not my day-I made a mistake in clinical and a bunch of people laughed at me (okay, it was kind of funny but I was cranky and kind of embarrassed), I spilled yogurt on my WHITE scrubs, then when I was finally ready to go home I made it halfway across town when I realized I had left my expressed milk in the fridge of the nursing home and had to turn around! On the car ride home I was looking forward to relaxing with my little Bug-afterall, she has been napping right when we get home from daycare.
After picking her up in Jareds car, which is not very carseat friendly, we got home to find ourselves locked out. I couldn't get Jared's key to work!! Once inside I saw that Jared had left the house trashed before leaving for work and Evelyn wasn't in the great mood I was hoping for. After hurriedly cleaning up, we decided to eat some green beans.
Now why did I have to go and say Evelyn is an in-the-middle eater last night? I jinxed myself. She now becomes agonizingly hungry between bites. The kids a pig-she ate almost half a container of green beans tonight and still wanted to nurse afterwards! I was eager to spend that time with her. It was so relaxing and comforting-exactly what I needed after today. When she was finished we settled down on the couch tummy to tummy, something I desperately miss, and were starting to fall asleep when my phone rang. Jared wrecked my car! Someone pulled out in front of him and they had a little fender bender.
Just when I thought my day was looking up the worst came. Fortunately, it's 9o'clock, Evelyn's been asleep since 7:30 and my homeworks done. I really need a good nights sleep after today. I hope tomorrow is much better!! And I totally hope Evelyn sleeps til 6!! That girls never gonna grow without sleep.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Oh What A Night
What a great weekend! My best friend, Krissy, came to town from Colorado so Jared stayed home with Evelyn Friday night while we went downtown. We had such a great time! Saturday afternoon Jared, Evelyn and I met her at Portillo's and went to Old Navy afterwards (where I got Evelyn the cutest winter hat EVER!). In return for letting me have a relaxing weekend, Jared went out Saturday night while I stayed home with Ev and did some homework after she went to bed-fair trade. To top off this wonderful weekend we met Jared's family for breakfast and spent the rest of the afternoon laying around at home, doing laundry and playing with Evelyn. It was heaven. I seriously haven't been so relaxed in a very long time. I'm talking pre-Evelyn.
Before we left for breakfast I decided to use my Brand! New! Crock-Pot! for the first time. I threw in a chuck roast, some peeled potatoes, baby carrots and 1cup of water. 8hours later we ate the most tender roast you've ever had. It fell to pieces when you stuck your fork in. The only complain I have, I'm sure Grandpa Eli would agree, was that it could've used some gravy.
When returning home, after an hour or so of letting Evelyn roll around on the floor and play, we decided to put her in the exersaucer. To our amazement she suddenly knows how to work almost every toy and was able to turn completely 360degrees. She's a genius! The only downfall of her afternoon was not taking any naps. Not one single cat nap! Not 10minutes, nothing! So at about 7o'clock Jared and I took her for a walk, came home and fed her and she was sound asleep by 8. Thank God! I hope she sleeps in. If not, Jared's the one waking up with her in the morning :) I'll be gone for school already. It's our first day of clinicals-we where our 'whites' and are working hands on in the nursing home. I'm excited! And not so excited at the same time. I'm sure you catch my drift...
Here are some pics of our leisurely afternoon.

Friday, August 28, 2009
Num Nums
Evelyn officially LOVES food! She totally gawks at anyone who is eating and so desperately wants to eat solid foods. Patience young grasshopper.
She has been eating cereal in the morning for a exactly one month now. First she was eating it strictly in the morning, then I added a little around lunch and a while after that, once at our dinnertime. She is now eating baby food for dinner instead of cereal and absolutely loves it. She's a great eater. She doesn't get antsy for the next bite and doesn't resist. She's perfectly in the middle. Swallows a bite, waits patiently and opens her mouth for the next spoonful. I've been blessed with an amazing, well-behaved baby. She has never been very needy and has easily adjusted to most things that have come her way. My little Evey Bug!
All this food is catching up with my little string bean-she has always worn one size smaller than her age and suddenly, in what seems like one day, wears 6-9months and is only 5months old. Everyone comments on her size saying she is so small. I believe most people feel she is small in size because their formula fed children are much larger. But that's just my opinion. All of our doctors say she is a very healthy baby and is the perfect size. Strong, too. She's pretty much held her head up since 2months and is increasingly stronger each day. I don't mean to boast, but I feel she's a little ahead of the game.
And since I just don't feel right posting a blog without a picture, here is Evelyn last weekend at Jared's cousins wedding reception with Jared's Aunt Carol.

She has been eating cereal in the morning for a exactly one month now. First she was eating it strictly in the morning, then I added a little around lunch and a while after that, once at our dinnertime. She is now eating baby food for dinner instead of cereal and absolutely loves it. She's a great eater. She doesn't get antsy for the next bite and doesn't resist. She's perfectly in the middle. Swallows a bite, waits patiently and opens her mouth for the next spoonful. I've been blessed with an amazing, well-behaved baby. She has never been very needy and has easily adjusted to most things that have come her way. My little Evey Bug!
All this food is catching up with my little string bean-she has always worn one size smaller than her age and suddenly, in what seems like one day, wears 6-9months and is only 5months old. Everyone comments on her size saying she is so small. I believe most people feel she is small in size because their formula fed children are much larger. But that's just my opinion. All of our doctors say she is a very healthy baby and is the perfect size. Strong, too. She's pretty much held her head up since 2months and is increasingly stronger each day. I don't mean to boast, but I feel she's a little ahead of the game.
And since I just don't feel right posting a blog without a picture, here is Evelyn last weekend at Jared's cousins wedding reception with Jared's Aunt Carol.
And a few minutes later....
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Schedule Malfunction
Today was great! After reaching my goal of a 95% A on my CPR test yesterday, I was determined to succeed this afternoon on my first Exam. I successfully passed with a 100%!! This class is super easy but I really want to pass with an A. I've got a good start.
Today was a good day for Evelyn, too. She ate well this morning, was happy as can be in her exersaucer while I got ready for school and even took 2 naps at daycare. But unfortunately, she has been napping from about 4:30-6 when we get home. We usually nurse immediately when returning from daycare and she just falls right asleep. It's nice to not feel guilty that she's playing alone while unpacking the diaper bag and putting things away, but that only takes 10minutes- uninterrupted. I'm bummed that I'm missing out on valuable hours I look forward to spending with her. I spend all day anticipating our reunion. Not to mention these naps mean a later bedtime which can also mean an earlier rising time. Hopefully she's just catching up on sleep for naps lost during these first weeks of daycare, I can't have our schedule interrupted right now. Hopefully it's a growth spurt. Thankfully I have aaaaall day tomorrow alone with my little Bug. I couldn't ask for anything more than a day alone with my little thumb-sucker..err..toe-sucker. She'll take pretty much anything.
Today was a good day for Evelyn, too. She ate well this morning, was happy as can be in her exersaucer while I got ready for school and even took 2 naps at daycare. But unfortunately, she has been napping from about 4:30-6 when we get home. We usually nurse immediately when returning from daycare and she just falls right asleep. It's nice to not feel guilty that she's playing alone while unpacking the diaper bag and putting things away, but that only takes 10minutes- uninterrupted. I'm bummed that I'm missing out on valuable hours I look forward to spending with her. I spend all day anticipating our reunion. Not to mention these naps mean a later bedtime which can also mean an earlier rising time. Hopefully she's just catching up on sleep for naps lost during these first weeks of daycare, I can't have our schedule interrupted right now. Hopefully it's a growth spurt. Thankfully I have aaaaall day tomorrow alone with my little Bug. I couldn't ask for anything more than a day alone with my little thumb-sucker..err..toe-sucker. She'll take pretty much anything.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tests, Tempers and Tummy Aches
My first real quiz is tomorrow. After a helpful review with my study buddy, Jared, I am feeling very confident. Today was my first 'sort of' test. As a result, I am officially certified to perform CPR. So if any of you blog followers out there ever stop breathing and become unresponsive, I'll make sure you don't die on my watch.
In other news, Evelyn was a bit temperamental today. She was quite fussy this morning which is very unusual. She whined the entire time I was in the shower-no crying, just little whimpers. According to her day care provider, Caroline, she continued this behavior all afternoon. As soon as she heard my voice when I arrived home from school she was all smiles. Then after a little snack she slept for 3hours. Maybe she was just missing her mom and was anticipating our seperation this morning. Or maybe it was a tummy ache. OR! Maybe she was just eager to get home and IM her buddies-she's very social.

And I'll have you know I am NOT holding her up in this picture. She is leaning over sitting up all by herself. Of course she toppled to the side shortly after, but she's almost there!
In other news, Evelyn was a bit temperamental today. She was quite fussy this morning which is very unusual. She whined the entire time I was in the shower-no crying, just little whimpers. According to her day care provider, Caroline, she continued this behavior all afternoon. As soon as she heard my voice when I arrived home from school she was all smiles. Then after a little snack she slept for 3hours. Maybe she was just missing her mom and was anticipating our seperation this morning. Or maybe it was a tummy ache. OR! Maybe she was just eager to get home and IM her buddies-she's very social.

And I'll have you know I am NOT holding her up in this picture. She is leaning over sitting up all by herself. Of course she toppled to the side shortly after, but she's almost there!
Monday, August 24, 2009
I Am Baby, Hear Me Roar!
So have any of your kids ever just, ya know, screamed at the top of their lungs for no apparent reason? With a smile on their face? 'Cause that's totally Evelyn's new thing. The past few days she's just been squealing and screaming like a mad woman. It is pretty darn funny and I have to say I actually enjoy it. She realized she has a voice and is not afraid to use it.
She is advancing physically as well as vocally. She now grabs at EVERYTHING! Peoples faces, hair, glasses are one of her favorites. Pretty much anything in eyesight. And she badly wants to eat solid foods. Whenever someone is eating she will follow the fork to the mouth, to the plate, to the mouth. I believe since sucking on her own hands and toys is her favorite pasttime, she enjoys watching others do it and just wants to join in. It's quite humorous to watch.
She is also just about to crawl. I'm serious! She gets on that tummy and squirms and pushes her legs up under her body, desperately trying to move until her face turns all red. It looks like she's trying to go #2 sometimes but no, she's just trying to crawl I'm sure. She can also pull herself up into a sitting position when on your lap or in a cradling position. She's a strong 'little fella', as Riley would say.
Completely unrelated, here is a video of Jared dancing for Evelyn, who is rather confused. The camera's a little shaky and at a bad angle, but bear with me, I could barely contain myself while recording.
She is advancing physically as well as vocally. She now grabs at EVERYTHING! Peoples faces, hair, glasses are one of her favorites. Pretty much anything in eyesight. And she badly wants to eat solid foods. Whenever someone is eating she will follow the fork to the mouth, to the plate, to the mouth. I believe since sucking on her own hands and toys is her favorite pasttime, she enjoys watching others do it and just wants to join in. It's quite humorous to watch.
She is also just about to crawl. I'm serious! She gets on that tummy and squirms and pushes her legs up under her body, desperately trying to move until her face turns all red. It looks like she's trying to go #2 sometimes but no, she's just trying to crawl I'm sure. She can also pull herself up into a sitting position when on your lap or in a cradling position. She's a strong 'little fella', as Riley would say.
Completely unrelated, here is a video of Jared dancing for Evelyn, who is rather confused. The camera's a little shaky and at a bad angle, but bear with me, I could barely contain myself while recording.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Back To School
Yay! I successfully made it through my first week of school and our first week of daycare and to my surprise, I actually enjoyed some mommy time away from little Evey Bug. At first I wasn't sure if my feelings of being away from her were a positive or negative response to staying home with her the last four months but I am enjoying my freedom while missing her at the same time, although not as badly as I had anticipated before this semester began. I felt as though I was doing something wrong by not hysterically crying when I dropped her off at daycare, but I am sure my detachment from her will upset me more and more the next few weeks. It's just that I haven't been alone for 5months and I'm beginning to remember that it actually feels pretty nice once in a while. I mean, I've listened to the radio in the car for the first time in months for heavens sake! All feelings aside, going to school is the best thing for us and Jared. I do miss spending the day with her and feel like it's crunch time when I go home. I almost feel neglecting when I lay her down to do homework, make dinner or clean-all of which are a vital part of going to school and having a home. But, on the other hand, I do have Friday-Sunday to spend with her, although this Friday I was exhausted. Fortunately, today we took a much needed nap from 7:30-9, which felt wonderful.

I'm looking forward to fulfilling my education and career while providing Evelyn an opportunity to be in a social environment. The other kids at daycare love "Baby Elevyn", a name originated by my cousins son, Will. How cute.
Here are some new pictures of Evelyn. She recently discovered another baby living in our house and has become quite fond of her.
Evelyn fast asleep with her lovey.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Rolley Poley Oley
She's done it again! After rolling over only once last month, Evelyn has finally mastered the task. She's rollin all over the place. She has also began eating cereal and baby food which is a story in itself. Not a huge fan at first but after a few feedings now loves carrots and will eat cereal.
She's growing fast. She is now 4 1/2 months at a whopping 12lbs. 10oz. A peanut in most eyes but compared to her birth weight of 6lbs. 3oz. she's growing fast to us.
I am starting school for my CNA next month so we are working hard on regulating a schedule-so far so good. Cereal with the morning nurse, again around noon, once at dinner time and bedtime at 8:30.
She is growing so fast and is so much fun! Here are a few recent pics.

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