Today was a good day for Evelyn, too. She ate well this morning, was happy as can be in her exersaucer while I got ready for school and even took 2 naps at daycare. But unfortunately, she has been napping from about 4:30-6 when we get home. We usually nurse immediately when returning from daycare and she just falls right asleep. It's nice to not feel guilty that she's playing alone while unpacking the diaper bag and putting things away, but that only takes 10minutes- uninterrupted. I'm bummed that I'm missing out on valuable hours I look forward to spending with her. I spend all day anticipating our reunion. Not to mention these naps mean a later bedtime which can also mean an earlier rising time. Hopefully she's just catching up on sleep for naps lost during these first weeks of daycare, I can't have our schedule interrupted right now. Hopefully it's a growth spurt. Thankfully I have aaaaall day tomorrow alone with my little Bug. I couldn't ask for anything more than a day alone with my little thumb-sucker..err..toe-sucker. She'll take pretty much anything.

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