Yay! I successfully made it through my first week of school and our first week of daycare and to my surprise, I actually enjoyed some mommy time away from little Evey Bug. At first I wasn't sure if my feelings of being away from her were a positive or negative response to staying home with her the last four months but I am enjoying my freedom while missing her at the same time, although not as badly as I had anticipated before this semester began. I felt as though I was doing something wrong by not hysterically crying when I dropped her off at daycare, but I am sure my detachment from her will upset me more and more the next few weeks. It's just that I haven't been alone for 5months and I'm beginning to remember that it actually feels pretty nice once in a while. I mean, I've listened to the radio in the car for the first time in months for heavens sake! All feelings aside, going to school is the best thing for us and Jared. I do miss spending the day with her and feel like it's crunch time when I go home. I almost feel neglecting when I lay her down to do homework, make dinner or clean-all of which are a vital part of going to school and having a home. But, on the other hand, I do have Friday-Sunday to spend with her, although this Friday I was exhausted. Fortunately, today we took a much needed nap from 7:30-9, which felt wonderful.
I'm looking forward to fulfilling my education and career while providing Evelyn an opportunity to be in a social environment. The other kids at daycare love "Baby Elevyn", a name originated by my cousins son, Will. How cute.
Here are some new pictures of Evelyn. She recently discovered another baby living in our house and has become quite fond of her.
Evelyn fast asleep with her lovey.

Oh! The one of her asleep in the boppy is PRECIOUS!!!! Need to see her soon!