What a great weekend! My best friend, Krissy, came to town from Colorado so Jared stayed home with Evelyn Friday night while we went downtown. We had such a great time! Saturday afternoon Jared, Evelyn and I met her at Portillo's and went to Old Navy afterwards (where I got Evelyn the cutest winter hat EVER!). In return for letting me have a relaxing weekend, Jared went out Saturday night while I stayed home with Ev and did some homework after she went to bed-fair trade. To top off this wonderful weekend we met Jared's family for breakfast and spent the rest of the afternoon laying around at home, doing laundry and playing with Evelyn. It was heaven. I seriously haven't been so relaxed in a very long time. I'm talking pre-Evelyn.
Before we left for breakfast I decided to use my Brand! New! Crock-Pot! for the first time. I threw in a chuck roast, some peeled potatoes, baby carrots and 1cup of water. 8hours later we ate the most tender roast you've ever had. It fell to pieces when you stuck your fork in. The only complain I have, I'm sure Grandpa Eli would agree, was that it could've used some gravy.
When returning home, after an hour or so of letting Evelyn roll around on the floor and play, we decided to put her in the exersaucer. To our amazement she suddenly knows how to work almost every toy and was able to turn completely 360degrees. She's a genius! The only downfall of her afternoon was not taking any naps. Not one single cat nap! Not 10minutes, nothing! So at about 7o'clock Jared and I took her for a walk, came home and fed her and she was sound asleep by 8. Thank God! I hope she sleeps in. If not, Jared's the one waking up with her in the morning :) I'll be gone for school already. It's our first day of clinicals-we where our 'whites' and are working hands on in the nursing home. I'm excited! And not so excited at the same time. I'm sure you catch my drift...
Here are some pics of our leisurely afternoon.

Oh I so loved this post! Everything was so cute and I'm loving your heaven weekend. It doesn't take much, does it?