She looked like such a big girl laying there. I sat at the edge of her bed, read her a few books and kissed her goodnight. I explained that she was a big girl now so she had to sleep in her big girl bed. When I shut the door I knew it wouldn't be long before I heard some kind of activity inside. A few minutes later Ev came to the door. Without speaking I picked her up and placed her back in her bed. We repeated this about 15 times until I realized it was now a game. So I placed her back in bed, kissed her goodnight again and shut the door completely because she is still (thank God!) unable to turn door handles. She immediately began screaming, "Oh no! Mommy, pwease! Oh goodness!" and multiple other cries of help. This lasted for a good 20 minutes before I heard nothing. An hour later I checked on her and she was sleeping in her bed. One of her toy bins had been dumped out but other than that the room was in order. Overall it was definitely an easier night than I had planned on!
So I was curious to see how tonight would play out. We brushed teeth, watched a show and headed to bed for some reading. She leaped up on her bed and snuggled down into her blankets with her baby. We read a few Dr. Seuss books and I again explained how she was such a big girl. When I leaned in for a kiss she wrapped her arms around my neck and said, "Wuv you, Mommy. G'night." My heart melted. I told her, "Good night, sweetie" before shutting the door. Fifteen minutes later I had still heard nothing so I cracked open the door and there was my big girl sleeping soundly in her bed. I tucked her in, kissed her forehead and walked out thinking how proud I was of her but also how sad it is to see her grow up so fast. From day one she has been such a good, easy baby. Let's pray it continues into Junior High! Cross your fingers!!!
Reading some books.

So proud to be a big girl :)

Nice to see you back and I love the new blog look. Lots of changes since you blogged last. Very cute pics and video....loved the car wash!