Dear Evelyn,
These past two years have been quite a rollercoaster! But I've enjoyed the ride. You are growing and developing so quickly that I feel like just yesterday I was bringing you home from the hospital.
Your vocabulary is outstanding and very advanced! You can say 5-6 word sentences, alhtough not always gramatically correct. Some I have heard recently are, "You lay 'gether, pwease?" (meaning you lay with me/we lay together) and " butt showing", which you politely explained to a stranger bearing plumber crack at a birthday party last night! You are also great at saying big words like "'quarium" (aquarium), stegasaurus and interesting. You LOVE asking questions...and usually answer them yourself..."Mommy go potty.....noooo! Ehninn go potty...yeeesss!" You love to count everything in your own format of "2, 4, 8, 9, tipteen". You received a Tag reader from Grandma Jill for Christmas and love to read alone in your crib at night. These books have helped you to be able to identify most of your colors and almost all shapes. You are great at playing alone and sometimes I think you have more fun this way! You love babies, making us food in your 'wave, coloring and your new favorite is playing with Legos. You are very observant-always identifying the current weather status, what other people are wearing and things we see when walking around. You enjoy going under bridges in the car declaring, "Made it!" when we reach the other side. You are still a fan of Dora dn Kai-Lan but have currently taken a liking to Beauty and the Beast, Chuggington, Bolt and Cars. The other day I was drinking tea and you asked, "Me drink dat tea?" After I gave you a drink you pointed to your tea party set explaing, "Dat tea, too." You then informed me that, "Beast drink tea, too." Yes, Beauty and the Beast DO drink tea, too! You have joined a tumbling class at the Y and are a HUGE fan! You love doing 'saults and running but especially love the trampoline and social aspect of it all. We celebrated your birthday differently this year with a small, intimate family party consisting of Yaya, Pa, Uncle Gawette, Grnadma Jilly B, Pa, Uncle Chris, Aunt Jen and Kaden. We also went on 2 trips for your birthday-to Key Lime Cove and the Shedd Acquarium. You had a great time at both! Because you love anything to do with the outdoors and water you are more than ready for Spring to be here and I look forward to sharing these times with you.
Happy Birthday, Bug. Love you with all my heart,
Evelyn, fresh out of the hospital






2 years old!

Yay! You're back! And with a super cute post! I can't believe she's two!