Due to all the running around we were running a little past schedule so we decided to go out for Chinese. Evelyn went through the buffet line with me for the first time. She helped me hold the plate and chose her own foods as she has gotten a little more selective these past few weeks. When I took her back to the table she sat there so nicely while I got my own food. She only yelled, "Mommmaaaayyyy!" a few times. During dinner a man from the next table got up and walked towards the restroom. Evelyn shouted, "He goin potty!" I said, "Yes, Evelyn, but that's something private and you shouldn't announce it....especially so loudly." A few minutes later the man emerged from the restroom to which Evelyn shouted, "He did it!!! Yaaaaayyy!" Another few minutes passed and his wife went to the restroom. Evelyn says to me, "Her turn. She go potty now." I said, "Yes, but remember...it's private. Shhh." When she came out Evelyn again cheered her on. They got a pretty big kick out of it.
When I went back for dessert I brought Evelyn bananas with a strawberry sauce on them. She told me, "Me no like nanas. Day for monkeys." And before we left she stopped by a table, held out her hand and said, "Fiver?" Which is apparently her way of requesting a high five. Everyone was pretty amused by her and I have to say I had a blast. She has such a personality and it is SO fun!
Here is a cute pic of Ev leaving to run errands.

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