Monday, August 24, 2009

I Am Baby, Hear Me Roar!

So have any of your kids ever just, ya know, screamed at the top of their lungs for no apparent reason? With a smile on their face? 'Cause that's totally Evelyn's new thing. The past few days she's just been squealing and screaming like a mad woman. It is pretty darn funny and I have to say I actually enjoy it. She realized she has a voice and is not afraid to use it.

She is advancing physically as well as vocally. She now grabs at EVERYTHING! Peoples faces, hair, glasses are one of her favorites. Pretty much anything in eyesight. And she badly wants to eat solid foods. Whenever someone is eating she will follow the fork to the mouth, to the plate, to the mouth. I believe since sucking on her own hands and toys is her favorite pasttime, she enjoys watching others do it and just wants to join in. It's quite humorous to watch.

She is also just about to crawl. I'm serious! She gets on that tummy and squirms and pushes her legs up under her body, desperately trying to move until her face turns all red. It looks like she's trying to go #2 sometimes but no, she's just trying to crawl I'm sure. She can also pull herself up into a sitting position when on your lap or in a cradling position. She's a strong 'little fella', as Riley would say.

Completely unrelated, here is a video of Jared dancing for Evelyn, who is rather confused. The camera's a little shaky and at a bad angle, but bear with me, I could barely contain myself while recording.


  1. You need to seriously consider getting Jared some dancing lessons! That is too funny! She is getting so big! I can't wait to see her in a few days!!!

  2. You do realize she's laughing AT Jared, not with him! :) :)
