Tuesday, October 12, 2010


We almost went two consecutive napless days in this house! :( Yesterday, Evelyn woke up at 5am from a bad dream, fell back asleep at 7am, and we both slept til 10! I haven't slept that long in years. It felt weird. Since we woke up 2 hours before her regular nap time, I figured we'd see how it goes without one since napping any later would result in waking up at dinner time, then not being tired at bedtime, etc. So I made plan B. We went grocery shopping and Evelyn slept a half hour on the way and a half hour on the way back. So it was fine.

Today was a different story! At naptime, I laid Evelyn down in her crib and told Jared who was also sleeping (he's working nights) that I was running some errands. An HOUR later, I returned to find Evelyn giggling and jumping in her crib. I laid her down and waited a little longer but I could tell she still had tons of energy stored up. To get rid of it, we drove to the lake and did tons of fun stuff. Including....

Running up a "mountain", as Evelyn calls it.

A little swinging and sliding.

Posed for a few pics.

And fed the duckies.

After walking around the ENTIRE lake (over 2miles and Evelyn seriously ran most of the way!), she was more than worn out but still wouldn't shut her eye! Not even to her lullaby CD I had playing in the car. But finally, she was lulled to sleep by some ACDC and slept for a good 2hours! And is now, quietly in her crib. Phew! Back on track.

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