This weekend Nanc, Gar and I came down with a little bug. I was totally lazy today and felt terrible-pounding headache, a cough that made my head throb, a runny nose and sore throat. Thankfully it was my last day in clinical and this thought alone helped me through the day!! My mom was feeling lazy too. She held Evelyn basically the entire time she babysat leaving her quite needy when I came home to take over. Because she only napped 45minutes all afternoon I was hoping she would nurse and fall asleep when I got home so I could sleep, too. Think again. She was fussy until she ate some turkey & sweet potatoes, fussy again, loved her bath, fussy again, had some entertaining visitors, fussy again, LOVED looking out the window at the trees blowing in the wind* and finally daddy came to the rescue. At 7:15pm he began rocking her, at 7:20 she was fast asleep.

**Grandma Nancy recently showed Evelyn that you can enjoy the outdoors without really being outside. She holds her so she can see out of the back door and Evelyn squeals in delight. She gets so excited. She jumps and rocks and talks, then settles down and whispers to the outdoors. She loves being outside. Hopefully looking out the window will get us through fall and winter!
That is a cute post! Good luck on the exams!