After another terrible day of school I picked Evelyn up from day care. Finally, relief! She greeted me with a big ol' smile and we came home to relax. We had our afternoon nurse, played on the floor a little, spent some time in the exersaucer and decided to have some dinner. Here is a Evelyn patiently waiting for her din din.

And yes. She is sitting up all on her own....well, with a little help from the high chair, but impressive none the less.
Now with the stage1 vegetables, she usually only ate about a tablespoon. Last night I fed her apples and chicken (stage2) for the first time and she ate about 1/3 of the jar-I started with a tablespoon..then another...and then another! Tonight I warmed up another 1/3 of the jar and she ate it faster than the speed of light. I could barely get the bites to her mouth fast enough. And every time I tried scraping the excess off her chin she would follow the spoon, making it very difficult, but hilarious. She had alligator tears between every bite and before I knew it, I was warming up the last 1/3 and shoveling it into her very hungry mouth. After this she was still unsatisfied and I ended up feeding her about 1/3 of a jar of squash. What an oink! But she never spit up aferwards, and after a walk and a nighty night nurse she is sound asleep. Thank goodness! Mommy has a quiz in the morning.
Good pics from today :)

Miss Ali, I just got caught up with your blogs. I love them and the pictures are SO cute! She is turning out to be a wonderful little eater, isn't she? I was so sorry to hear about your fender benders. Evey Bug wasn't with you when yours happened, was she? Too scary!! You and Jarod are such great parents. I couldn't be prouder of you!! Talk to you soon! Love you!!
ReplyDeleteI say tonight she gets a burger and fries. She'll love it!
ReplyDeleteAlli, it's Dorothy.