On the family note, Jared babysat Evey Bug this morning while I worked a busy busy morning at Sears. Afterwards, I went home to wash the lotion out of my hair and we got ready for pictures. That's right, I said lotion. I mistakenly bought lotion instead of conditioner..the two products were the same brand in all most the exact same bottle. Biolage should really look into changing this confusing similarity.
Anywho, Evelyn did amazing at her pictures! We even got a really good one of all 3 of us. We did Evelyn in 2 different outfits, a few nakey shots and her Halloween costume. They turned out great! Next week my parents, brothers, Jared, Evelyn and I are meeting at Sears for a family portrait. It should be interesting.
Here's a sneak preview..my mom is not a fan. She thinks nakey pics are inappropriate but I think they're adorable-we do them all the time at Sears. Plus I only posted them on here because only my family and close friends read this. I'll be posting the rest tomorrow and you guys can e-mail me which ones you would like-I ordered a million wallets.

I saw it on Sarah's phone. It is SO cute! She'll hate you when she's older, though. :)