After a fabulous day of school I finally had an eye appointment and ordered my first pair of glasses in 7years! I forgot what it was like to see clearly. It will be like watching my life in HD!
After waiting in the dr office for an hour and a half I picked up Evelyn an hour later than usual. This worked out because I didn't have to wake her from a 3hour nap she was taking!! We were playing around on the floor as we usually do when I arrive and I was tickling her chubby little neck. Evelyn grabbed my finger to start sucking away when I felt something sharp in her mouth. I opened it up and to my surprise saw two little bottom teeth! I couldn't believe it! I was so excited! I rushed home to put it in the baby book. No wonder she's been having some issues the past few days. Poor monkey. But I have to say, all in all it hasn't been bad! She hasn't been too too fussy. A little here and there but it's usually curable by something to suck on or a little nurse. She is a strong baby..must get it from her dad.
Here's a picture from some afternoon play. If you look closely you can see one of the little toothers under her tongue (although Jared disagrees). I LOVE this picture!!

A few more pics from today and last night.

Congrats! Did I call that, or what? :) Now, give her some beef jerky or something! :)