Happy New Year! Jared and I celebrated by going to a fancy dinner, dressed to kill, then attending a party at a friends house. It was a great night!

Before leaving for dinner we had a mock countdown with Evelyn. She was pumped!
As you can see, Evelyn continued her own countdown...
Our New Year has gotten off to a great start! And there are a few NEW things going on in our house.
Evelyn has become open to (and even secretly enjoys) going on the big girl potty. She has only gone a few times but is fully open to the idea of sitting on the potty which is a great start. We made "Do Not Disturb" signs for the door, so she puts those on, sits on the potty and reads her 2 special books that are only for in the bathroom. So far it's going great and she has been a good sport! She is aware of the urge, telling us "poop" for both, but would rather hide in her room somewhere and go potty in her diaper than sit on the potty. Cross your fingers that it will happen soon!
With this New Year came a new favorite movie-a full on Toy Story 3 addiction. After watching it once she was hooked! She has been working hard all week to memorize the characters names-she found a little pamphlet in the DVD case with a picture of Woody (her favorite) and the gang. She would ask me who they are, I would run through the names a few times then she would go somewhere else to study. After a day or two she knows em all! Which she should, considering we watch the movie at least once a day.
Evelyn also acquired a new skill during this New Year-how to bargain! And let me tell you, it's not the greatest skill a toddler could possess. When waking from a nap yesterday I said, "Evelyn, do you want to go on the big girl potty then watch Woody!?" She replied, "No, no, no, Mommy (while waving her finger in my face). Woody first." Whoa. I'll stick to making the schedule, Ev, you just follow.
Lastly, we've used all of our Target gift cards from Jared's Christmas tips and a few we received from family to do a little renovating here.
To replace our cluttered toy box we got this shelf and it rocks!

We then moved Evelyn's dresser into her closet along with her old toy box that is now full of the gazillion stuffed animals we have. All of this reorganizing makes her room looks SO much bigger.
Since all of my pants were in piles on the floor of her closet, we then got this for the bedroom (my pants are in the boxes).

And to replace the big, boxy desk that no one uses in the living room we got this beautiful console table that I LOVE!!

Happy New Year!!!