Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sicky Icky
Monday, December 28, 2009
Walking In A Winter Wonderland
I hope everyone had a great Christmas. We had our best yet. Between staying up late on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa Clause to show (which he did at 11pm!) and opening presents for 3hours on Christmas morning, we were pretty exhausted. But it was worth it. Ev got to meet Santa and hysterically cry on his lap, she got tons of presents and most importantly we got to spend relaxing time with our family. It's only going to get better as the years go on. I'm enjoying being a parent more than I ever could have imagined at this young, ripe age of 21. I'm glad things happened how they did. I love my little family.
PS My cameras USB cord is broken and I just ordered one last night so I'll have to have an update blog with pics and videos of the past few weeks. I have some really good pics and some priceless videos.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Another thing Evelyn understands is the coming and going of company. When someone goes to leave she pathetically gazes up at them trying to convince them to stay. Then we sit on the couch to look out the window and wave bye-bye until they're out of sight. At this point Evey bends forward to look back and forth in case they're just pulling her leg. This is SUCH a fun stage.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Cheap Thrills
We've also used the Christmas cards to encourage her to walk. She has begun standing on her own at only 8months and has even taken a few steps a time or two. It's amazing!
Between her new fake laughs, standing/walking and her great sense of humor we've been having a blast these past few months. I never thought I could have so much fun with a baby!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
We're In Trouble
Cutest giggle ever.
Notice in this video that Evelyn is using her back to scale the wall of her crib attempting to touch her mobile. Lately if she wants to move from one toy to the other she thinks, "Ya know, I'll just walk over there" and begins to move her feet. She CAN walk around her play table while holding herself up. She's gonna be a handful!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Bedtime Humor
This pictures summarizes our bedtime routine lately.
That's hysterical laughter, not crying you see in this picture.
Last night during our bedtime nurse Evelyn whipped herself up on her knees and was leaning over me slapping my thigh. It made a loud smacking sound through my thin pajama pants and Evelyn apparently found it very amusing. She was bouncing up and down, slapping and laughing. We couldn't help but crack up ourselves. We were crying we laughed so hard.
She has been too much fun. Watching the progress she makes daily is amazing. In just a few short days she's able to balance for a few seconds while standing on her own.
She's great at pulling herself up to stand at a table or couch or pull at my pant legs in despair wanting to be held.
She's so close to crawling I can taste it. For now she army crawls at full speed to follow me around the house and get to her toys. Nothing stops this girl. She can get through any obstacle in her path.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Army Crawling Movie Star
We've been enjoying the beautiful weather of the last few days but today was by far the warmest. Here are a few pics of us frolicking in the sun.
All tuckered out after watching the Bears lose :(
And here's a little baby butt.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Any Day Now
Guess who's crawling! My neighbors nephew who's 3weeks younger than Evelyn. She made a little progress tonight by moving one hand forward while on her hands and knees. It should be any day now. Any day. No more whining when I go in the other room-she can just follow!
Speaking of whining, a certain someone loves the bathtub and used her whines to subtly hint she would enjoy a bath tonight. We played with our new squirting animal toys from Grandma Jill. You'll notice in one of the pictures that her right leg is forever sticking straight up. She's such a ham.
On The Move
As I've previously mentioned she can also pull herself into a standing position which she has attempted to do in her crib. So scary! We're lowering the mattress tonight! Her crib is right next to her bedroom window which she loves to look out of while whispering to the outdoors. I heard her stirring after an afternoon nap and walked in to find her on her belly pulling the crib bumper down to gaze out her window. Usually when I walk in after a nap I find two little smiling eyes peeking through the crib slats to greet me, like I did this morning.

She just kills me. She has such a personality.
Her new favorite toy is a rocking chair she received from her late great-grandmother, Ester Kern. Before she passed she wrote a list of things she wanted distributed to her grandchildren. Somehow she knew Jared would be giving her family their first grandchild and we inherited a beautiful, hand-carved child's rocking chair-Evelyn's new favorite toy. She uses her new dance moves to rock back in forth in the little chair and has already learned how to climb right out of it to use it as a support to stand. I'm telling you, this girl's gonna be a handful!

Thursday, October 29, 2009
It's nice to get off work at 2pm and still have pretty much the whole day to do your own thing. I usually wake up around 4am to begin my morning routine and return home to shower before picking her up from daycare-don't want to spread any germs from the nursing home! Our daycare provider prefers I pick her up at 3:30pm since they take their 2nd nap at 2pm which works out nice for me so I can shower and get a few things done at home. Besides her teething fussiness we've had a pretty smooth operation going. It's nice to still spend the day with her.
She is cutting 2 new teeth and our lives have been hell because of it! She has been fussy, fussy, fussy. We took her to the hospital Wednesday with symptoms of the Swine Flu-high fever, refusing to drink/nurse, increased fussiness(perhaps due to body aches?) and a rash. The rash started on her forehead and soon spread over her entire body. We found out it was all due to teeth. We were informed to use Motrin vs Tylenol and it has worked SO much better! I noticed such a big change the first night. Hopefully those babies pop in soon so I can continue sleeping through the night-we now have a 2am nurse when the Motrin wears off.
In other Evelyn news, she has learned to pull herself up into a standing position, can stand at a play table for minutes at a time, almost has the hang of waving bye-bye and can get up on her hands and knees to rock back and forth. She thinks, "Maybe if I rock back and forth here for a while I'll shoot forward!" No luck yet, but I have a feeling it'll be soon!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Whine Flu
After breakfast I noticed she felt very warm so following the changing of her second poopy diaper of the morning I took her temperature-100.7. I was scared!! I quickly called my mom who was unavailable due to my Aunt Bud's funeral. I continued down the list and called my cousin Sarah. She explained it was nothing to be alarmed about just make sure she has enough wet diapers and is drinking enough. She ate regularly all day, drank a bottle of juice and didn't act sick-besides whining all day. Around 11am she had a bm for the fourth time and continued with the whining. After a 3hour nap she awoke with a smile but quickly became upset again. I dosed her with Ibuprofen at 11am and 5pm, which didn't seem to help. Although she was very whiney all afternoon she was pretty laid back at times-I actually held her while she was still to watch tv for a half hour. I haven't cuddled her like that in months! It was great.
My remedy for today was a little TLC and she is happily asleep since 6pm. I'm sure we'll have a midnight nurse and then hopefully sleep til our regular time. Cross your fingers!
I hope her condition doesn't worsen. My guess is it's a little cold or more teeth. Hopefully her condition doesn't worsen over night.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Almost A Terrible Night
I woke Evelyn at 5:30am to take her to Grandma Jill's. She arose with a scowl but when I lifted her from her crib she gave a little grin then laid her head on my shoulder to rub her eyes. Heaven. She went back to sleep at Grandma's for another hour and a half and arrived at daycare around 9am. She ate well-I pumped exactly the amount she ate-BUT she only took a one hour nap. She was relieved to see me when I picked her up and sadly her eyes were red from crying. She had just woken up, hungry I'm sure.
Once we were home she enjoyed herself on the living room floor playing with an assortment of toys and books while Grandma Nancy and I watched. My mom holds up this mirror Karen gave us and Evelyn can see her at an angle. She'll look in the mirror to see her, then look over at her and smile. It's adorable. As soon as Grandma left she began to fuss. She played in her high chair and ate O's while I made dinner but unexpectedly took a turn for the worse when we sat down to eat. She was crying so hard all of a sudden. I took her out to give her a bath, her favorite, and she splashed around for a while and again began to cry-through the washing in the tub, her diaper, her pajamas-until we turned on Dora. She quickly was sick of this as well and began crying again. I thought the worst-teething! I was scared of the thought of Jared working tonight and me being home alone with her crying through the night in pain. Ahhh!
Thank goodness it was such a beautiful night. We grabbed a hat and a ton of blankets and went for a stroll. After 3minutes she was asleep. And what a scenic walk we had. It was beautiful, all the leaves and the weather. She awoke once we returned home but fortunately dozed back off (by 7:30). Phew! Thank you, Lord. This momma needs some sleep after today!! My feet are killin' me!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Wish Me Luck
When she awoke we joined some friends of ours and their 2-month-old son, Dawson, for a Vikings game and lunch. After the game we had a short visit with Jared's Grandma Rainbow who showed us pictures of her trip to the East coast. We didn't quite stay home like we planned, but we had a fun, relaxing day-tomorrow morning will be the opposite!
I have the diaper bag packed, scrubs laid out, lunch made and my pump plugged in and ready to go first thing in the morning. I can't wait to snuggle up in our King sized down comforter we busted out for winter (already!). Evelyn fell asleep at 7:30 giving me time to prepare my things and still have a 1/2 hour to watch tv. Hopefully she'll continue this early bedtime, which has lasted the past 2nights. I'm worried it will be crunch time when I pick her up from daycare-nurse, unpack diaper bag, dinner, get ready for bed and the next day-and won't have much time to spend with her. I'll still have 2 days off a week but we will most likely be busy those days with family, dr appts and I will probably be exhausted. I hope I still get time with my Bug. I'm gonna miss her.
Wish me luck-hopefully everything goes smoothly in the morning
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Evelyn The Entertainer
We met Jared's step-sister, Jamie, for lunch at her grandparents where Evelyn was the main attraction. We all sat around watching her play. Isn't it funny how entertaining a baby can be? We set one of her toys just outside her reach and she would semi-crawl to get it. She's definitely getting the hang of it. I'm dying to see her first crawl but I have a feeling it will be bittersweet-she's already a handful! It is officially impossible to change her diaper and dress her. She's constantly rolling away. But how could you get mad at a cute little monkey like her?
She also is learning how to wave goodbye-we demonstrate while she tries to copy. Sometimes she gets the right hand working, other times she's watching one hand but the other is moving. None the less, she is completely aware of what she is doing. At first we thought her motions were a coincidence but I'm positive she is learning to wave. When you first wave to her she stops whatever she's doing to concentrate on her motions. So smart.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Man, Do Guys Have It Easy
After dinner Jared was in charge of cleaning off the table and high chair, cleaning the kitchen, retrieving the laundry from the dryer, giving Evelyn a bath and cleaning up the living room. After her bath I noticed him become a little frustrated with Evelyn who was squirming right out of her pajamas-every time he would get one of her limbs in her pajamas, another would pop right back out. During this he asked me to put another load of laundry in and I simply explained it was just too cold in the breezeway for my cold symptoms-a similar excuse I would receive from him if asked. I think he felt a little overwhelmed. Hopefully this experience will help him to understand the toll that housework and going to school and/or working has on a nursing mother and teach him to appreciate my efforts. Although, unfortunately, I doubt this will happen. Men!
I'm happy to report Jared is off with some friends and I am once again lathering on the Vicks vaporub and hitting the sack early. Good riddance you nasty old cold!
PS I'm not upset with Jared although it does sound this way in my blog. I just wish he showed a great appreciation for my cleanliness and organization. The dream of all housewives.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Oh, Grandpa
Oh, Grandpa, I miss you.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Schedule Malfunction
My mom called me with a great proposition this morning-she wanted to spend some time with her darling granddaughter and offered to babysit while I took Jared out to lunch for his birthday. Sold! We went to a new bar in Peru about 20minutes away called Cabin Fever. We had a few drinks, ate some good food and really enjoyed ourselves. The bartender was great, she was fun and in a great mood and the food and drinks were very reasonably priced-we'll definitely be going back. It was nice to spend some time alone together and we had a really good time.
Evelyn woke up right before we left and was excited to see Grandma. When we got home she was worn out from singing and dancing and was ready for a nap. She drank a little bottle and fell right asleep. Earlier at her morning naptime, around 9am, I could tell she was tired. After refusing to nurse I slipped her her paci, laid her in her crib and she rolled over and put herself to sleep. So tonight I thought it would be a breeze to get her in bed. This proved to be untrue-she was changed, nursed, rocked and still was unhappy. After finally winding down a bit she wanted to nurse a little more. I laid on her new carpet with her and she drank a few swallows and rolled onto her side which usually means goodnight! But she wasn't ready just yet. I began rubbing her back and the instant I stopped she would rollover to see if I was still there. This wasn't working out, my hand was beginning to tire, so we went back to the rocking chair. She was falling asleep but had to know for sure I was still there. She loves glasses and touching faces and began doing so while I was rocking her. She finally fell asleep with her little hand tightly grasping my nose. It took all I could not to laugh and wake her up. She's such a firecracker, I love her so.
I've been stressing out and getting frustrated about her getting off her schedule. Some days are good, some days are bad. The past few nights haven't been so bad-bed on time last night, regular naps today-but tonight was a late bedtime-an hour behind schedule. I'm not going to stress though. She's gotten offtrack before but once she began attending daycare she resumed her normal schedule. I find comfort in the thought of her attending next week. Hopefully it will all fall into place again. I'll be waking up at 4:30am-no room for error.
Oh! And I almost forgot. Evelyn got up on her knees today. She'll be crawling in no time! Watch out world.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Life In HD
Last night my fussy baby was not falling asleep so I gave her a teeny bottle of juice-1/2 oz of juice, 1 1/2 oz water. Now don't worry, I am definantly NOT going to make this a habit. It scares me to start giving her juice knowing it calms her down. My cousin explained to me she gave her kids juice kind of early and they drink alot now. Not that it's unhealthy, just at this age I feel she should be drinking strictly breastmilk (or if you bottle feed, formula) for nutrients. Anyways, last night I gave her a tiny bottle and it was leaking out of her mouth so I took it away and she instantly started crying. Once I gave it back she was fine. This also happened the other day-she was using the safe feeder to eat a slice of cantaloupe and cried when I took the feeder to refill it. It's kind of funny. She is getting so smart! My little monkey.
One more thing, today was Jared's 28th birthday. I planned on not buying him a present or card to let him know how disappointing and heartbreaking it is to not receive anything from your significant other as he did to me on every birthday EVER and on my first Mother's Day-well Mother's Day I got a card at least. Since we've been together I've always made his birthday a special day and you all know my great idea from Father's Day. It really hurts my feelings to not be appreciated on these special days. So tonight we had plans to go to a local bar & grill for dinner. I told him Happy Birthday this morning and that was the end of it. By the time we went for dinner I couldn't hold out. About an hour before leaving I had to run to the dollar store so I stopped by the restaurant we were going to to plan a surprise dessert. A bartender that I am acquainted with explained she would be running to the grocery store and offered to pick out a cake. When we were through with dinner we were enjoying some conversation when they came out with cake and candles and the whole bar sang Happy Birthday to him. He was so surprised! Evelyn totally wanted those candles, too. I let him know how upsetting it was to never have received a surprise like this. I think my next birthday will be good.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Slumber Party!!


Missing Pictures (Ahh..Mommy Time)
Using the pincer grasp to pick up an O...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Splish Splash
She has also grown accustomed to the safe feeder. After some advice from my Aunt Levonne and cousin Sarah I found a way to make the feeder more appealing to Evelyn-packing it to keep it's shape and wetting the net before feeding. It is now the highlight of her meals. Last night there was cantalope juice all over her face, clothes and high chair and her hair was hard and sticking to her scalp. She had a blast and was ready for a bath.
She loooves her bath now. She has finally grasped the concept of splashing and has so much fun in the tub. She splishes and splashes and does this new fake giggle. It's so funny. She may have just realized how to laugh but she tries so hard it sounds totally fake. Still funny though. She is so much fun! I LOVE this stage she is in.
She has so much fun playing, smiles and laughs at us-Jareds fave, is eating more solid foods with us at mealtime and is on a pretty predictable schedule. She went to bed right on time again tonight leaving time for mommy to pump a little and give herself a pedicure in her new Espresso Brown fall nailpolish. And FYI, I swear by the PedEgg. Genius!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Ahhhh...Mommy Time
- Nurse Evey Bug & feed cereal
- Dust/Vacuum
- Do morning dishes/clean new pump pieces
- Put 6month pictures in a million greeting cards for family & friends while Evelyn whines
- Put Evelyn down for morning nap at regular time (Yess!)
- Make deposit
- Grocery shop
- 4 loads of laundry
- Re-organize linen closet
- Transition Evelyn's closet from Summer/Fall to just Fall
- Teach Evelyn to feed herself O's
That's right, Evelyn can feed herself these apple o's that dissolve in your mouth. I got the cuuutest pictures of her grabbing them and feeding herself but of course my camera's USB cord is MIA. I also got a good video of Evelyn dancing when I turned the radio on and one of her laughing in her new Jumparoo.
Today was a good, productivce day. Job interview tomorrow afternoon but for now I'm relaxing on the sofa with a glass of wine, watching TV...ALONE!!! This never happens! I'm living the high life tonight.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Rain Rain Go Away
Tonight was my brother Garretts Homecoming football game I promised to attend. The weather was terrible and I was kind of tired but really wanted to go. My friend, Chelsea, agreed to babysit from 4pm til around 9. Evelyn was fussy here and there but was fast asleep when we returned home at quarter after 8. She said she enjoyed the baby but I still feel bad she was fussy. It's just because she missed the nap. Chelsea explained that's what friends are for :)
The Amboy Clippers went into the game with a 5-0 record. The weather was terrible and the team went into the game with a negative attitude. As we sat in the cold, windy rain in our earmuffs, wool socks, turtle necks, sweatshirts, scarfts, winter jackets, hats and rain ponchos, we realized they were giving up in only the 2nd quarter. They weren't playing as a team. Unfortunately, in the 3rd quarter my baby bro was injured and was sent to the hospital. He has a contusion to the bone and a sprained elbow and will be unable to attend PE or football for one week. At least nothing was broken. Poor baby bro.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Forever Young
Tonight during bathtime I noticed Evelyn slow down in the middle of her splashing and just sit for a minute. Thinking nothing of it I let her play a little more and was ready to wash her up. Dipping the washcloth in the water I noticed a spot on her arm. I went to pick it off thinking it must be some kind of lawn clipping from Gary showering before her but when I touched it, it smeared. Around the same time I noticed a foul odor coming from the water. After a little deep sea diving the water began to cloud and I finally found the culprit-a little baby turd! Ewwww. I scooped Evey outta her tub, wrapped her in a towel and had to call in the reinfocements (Gary) to contain her while I cleaned up the mess-I didn't want her sitting on the bathroom floor with a draft from the heat vent or tipping over onto the tile floor. After a little scrubbing and a refill of the baby bath we finally finished bathing and were ready for our ni-ni nurse.
We began the bedtime process with our usual side-lying nurse in my bed when I realized from Evelyn's flailing limbs that she wasn't going down without a fight. Not tonight. I took her to her room to rock her and nurse a little more but she was still too fidgety. We again layed down on the bed and began a little more nursing. She started rolling about and I let her go freely to wind herself down. She ended up on her side at a 90 degree angle to me with our heads together and I gently began rubbing her back in a figure 8 from her shoulders to her little diaper butt while singing a little lullabye. She instantly relaxed and let her body go limp. At about the 37th round of Rock-A-Bye Baby I decided to end the singing but remain rubbing her back. Her head instantly shot up. I resumed the singing and it dropped back down to the mattress. Too freakin cute! After a few more attempts of ending the singing I got the same result and then she finally fell asleep. Laying there singing and rubbing her back was such a peaceful moment. I will never forget how angelic she looked suckling her paci, her arms crossed in front of her and her big diapered butt. I am thorougly enjoying this stage. If they could only stay young...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Cantelope Disaster
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
My Little Socialite
So Evelyn totally loves the kids at her daycare. This morning she was sad to see me go. After some kisses and a big hug I sat her on the floor to play and she definantly wasn't into it. I went in the playroom and the instant she saw Garrett and Griffin she was ecstatic. She didn't even notice me leaving. It's so neat that she loves to be with other kids. My little socialite.
That front tooth is still causing some problems-a little fussing here and there. Tonight to ease the pain, we went for a looong walk. I had Evelyn in a one-piece sweatsuit, a fleece jacket with the hood up, a hat, a receiving blanket, a thick snuggly blanket AND a thick fleecey kind of blanket from the couch. Her teeny little face was exposed but due to the blankets tucked in from her toes to her cheeks it was warm the entire time. She took a little snooze and happily went to bed on time. After watching Dancing With The Stars, of course. She refused her night-night nurse to watch the finale with Grandpa.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Daddy's Girl
This weekend Nanc, Gar and I came down with a little bug. I was totally lazy today and felt terrible-pounding headache, a cough that made my head throb, a runny nose and sore throat. Thankfully it was my last day in clinical and this thought alone helped me through the day!! My mom was feeling lazy too. She held Evelyn basically the entire time she babysat leaving her quite needy when I came home to take over. Because she only napped 45minutes all afternoon I was hoping she would nurse and fall asleep when I got home so I could sleep, too. Think again. She was fussy until she ate some turkey & sweet potatoes, fussy again, loved her bath, fussy again, had some entertaining visitors, fussy again, LOVED looking out the window at the trees blowing in the wind* and finally daddy came to the rescue. At 7:15pm he began rocking her, at 7:20 she was fast asleep.

**Grandma Nancy recently showed Evelyn that you can enjoy the outdoors without really being outside. She holds her so she can see out of the back door and Evelyn squeals in delight. She gets so excited. She jumps and rocks and talks, then settles down and whispers to the outdoors. She loves being outside. Hopefully looking out the window will get us through fall and winter!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Nakey Baby
On the family note, Jared babysat Evey Bug this morning while I worked a busy busy morning at Sears. Afterwards, I went home to wash the lotion out of my hair and we got ready for pictures. That's right, I said lotion. I mistakenly bought lotion instead of conditioner..the two products were the same brand in all most the exact same bottle. Biolage should really look into changing this confusing similarity.
Anywho, Evelyn did amazing at her pictures! We even got a really good one of all 3 of us. We did Evelyn in 2 different outfits, a few nakey shots and her Halloween costume. They turned out great! Next week my parents, brothers, Jared, Evelyn and I are meeting at Sears for a family portrait. It should be interesting.
Here's a sneak mom is not a fan. She thinks nakey pics are inappropriate but I think they're adorable-we do them all the time at Sears. Plus I only posted them on here because only my family and close friends read this. I'll be posting the rest tomorrow and you guys can e-mail me which ones you would like-I ordered a million wallets.

Friday, September 25, 2009
Hooray For Garage Sales!
She has sat up for the past few weeks by leaning between her legs but while Gary has been babysitting he has placed the Boppy around her for support and all of a sudden she's out on her own. I loooove when she rocks back and forth. Too cute.
Evelyn has been sooo off track since we've been staying at my moms-fussy, not going to bed on time. During a bath last night we realized she has her two front teeth coming in! After some Tylenol and a teething strip before bed the past few nights she has been much better. I thought it was due to new surroundings, letting the poor girl suffer through the pain! I'm sure it's a mixture of both. Anyways, the good news is last night she went to bed at 8pm, a half hour early, awoke at 2am to nurse and slept til 7am. Nice. Mommy needed some rest. Today she took her regular naps and was in bed right on time. Hopefully we're back on track.
Tomorrow are our family pictures and townwide garage sales so we need our beauty sleep. On a walk today we spotted a few garage sales that had already set up shop-both had ALL baby stuff. We scored 4pairs of pants, a few tops and two cozy one-piece outfits (all Old Navy, my fav), a pair of baby flip flops, high tops and little pink Nikes, all for next summer, and a few toys for only $15. At another sale we found a baby Jumparoo for 15 bucks!! I looked online and it was worth $80. Score!!
My mom also found Evelyn a rocking chair.
Monday, September 21, 2009
A Day of Firsts
In worse news, as a result of a poor decision Jared has made, Evelyn and I will be staying with my mother for a while. It has been a rough adjustment for all of us. Evelyn's schedule is officially destroyed, I had to change daycares after we finally just got a routine down, all of our baby gear AND my things are packed into one small bedroom and it is VERY hard to do homework while handling a baby on your own. Taking care of a baby on your own is very hard work, especially when teething. She has had such a hard time going to bed the past few nights. I am SO frustrated. And with no time to study I am just a mess. Hopefully we will be home soon. I miss my little house. Especially since I have spent so much time and effort making it look so nice. This is Jared and Evelyn's longest stay apart and they are both taking it pretty bad. Hope things shape up. Evelyn had a few interesting firsts. After eating a large dinner of Apples&Chicken, a little Ham AND some Banana/Pear/Granola (yum!), she was still unsatisfied. I was eating some watermelon and decided to rip her off a chunk. She nawed on a medium sized square and used her bottom teeth to get a few shavings into her mouth. She really enjoyed the juice and the feeling on her hands and teeth. And earlier in the day my mother made some butternut squash. I had never had this before and thought it was amazing! Evelyn was eyeing it, of course, so I fed her a few bites. She ate it very well and was definantly a fan. It's fun sharing food with her.
We also went to the park for the very first time today and to my surprise, she LOVED the swing!! A little small, but she hung in like a champ. We will definantly try this again before it gets too cold out.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wanted: A Nap
I am my mothers daughter. In 1 1/2 hours I primed and painted 2 coats of paint in my bathroom. I feel wonderful. The walls are half tile, but none the less this was good time. I can't wait to get everything situated tomorrow morning. It's going to look fabulous. I'll post pictures tomorrow night for all of you that are dying to see it!
On account of school, painting and a Healthy Living seminar I attended tonight for extra credit, I have probably spent 3hours or less with Evelyn today and it's killing me. Although she accompanied me to the seminar, it wasn't really time spent with her. I am TOTALLY looking forward to spending a lazy morning with my monkey and plan to put the finishing touches on my bathroom during her well as clean the bathroom, mop the floor, vacuum and wash her bottles from today. After that, I'll be 'chillin out maxin at relaxin all cool' as Will Smith would say. Ooooh monkey! I can't wait to spend the day together!
Also, tonight I realized I can put my hair in a small, low pony. All in all today was a good day.
Bath Time=Bed Time
So this morning at 5am she woke up for a diaper change and her breakfast. I nursed her in bed for about 20minutes where she fell asleep. I placed her back in her crib and slept for another 45minutes-she is STILL in bed (at 7:35) and I plan on waking her when we leave at 8.
I hope she keeps up with this behavior because I can't handle another night like my last post. I really think the bath before bed is a great idea. It really seemed to relax her. My mom claims that was the key to putting Rachel and me to sleep. I'm glad I found a cure!
Oh, and Evelyn learned to walk.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Help! I Need Somebody
Yesterday and today she was wonderful at daycare-there was no fuss and no teething problems. Though she has been chewing on anything in sight, nothing out of the ordinary for this girl, I haven't seen hinting of teething pain the past 2days at home.
So tonight at 7:30 after a nice, long walk she showed signs of sleepiness. After a nurse I put her to bed where she immediately began crying. When I leaned in to re-tuck her in or give her her lovey she would instantly stop. Unfortunately I decided my only option was to let her cry herself to sleep. In the beginning I would sneak in every few minutes to check on her. I knew this was a mistake while doing so but I had to make sure she wasn't on her belly which would just create further problems. The crying would stop, then begin, then die down, then start even harder. After 15minutes I decided to check again thinking maybe her teeth did hurt or she had gas, something that hasn't happened in months, and realized there were no tears. I knew I had to be strong and just let her cry it out. After another 10-15minutes she was hysterical. After a desperate phone call to my mom (to give my cousins a break) I decided to give her a bath to relax her, where she laughed the second her toes hit the water. We then sat on the patio with a little bottle. Still awake, I brought her inside and layed her in bed where she put herself to sleep in about 10minutes (at 9pm).
I knew nothing was wrong with her, that she just wanted to be held, but was I wrong to let her cry like that? She smiled and laughed in the bathtub so I'm sure she's not in pain. It's the hardest thing I've ever done, listening to her cry. How do I handle these nights? I can't spend 2 1/2hours every night putting her to bed when I wake up at 5am for school. So stressed! Advice anyone??
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Our First Sandwich Fair
After napping on the ride there, Evelyn enjoyed the stroller ride through the fair and only nursed once while we were there due to her brand new bottom teeth. She was loving the fresh air and ready to hit the fair festivities.
First stop-Grandma Nancy's quilt which received a purple ribbon, the highest placement. It was beautiful. The woman working commented it was 'alot of people's favorite'. My mom was more than pleased to hear that. (On the way back home we stopped at Walgreens to print out this picture of my moms quilt and frame it for her. She was very pleased to find it waiting for her when she returned home.)

Unfortunately, last night she was up from midnight to 3am whining and crying in pain. After several unsuccessful attempts to feed and comfort her, she finally gave in to the Noggin network and fell asleep. Tonight, after a disolvable teething relief strip, she fell asleep at 6pm and will probably be waking up sometime soon so I'm going to try and get some sleep!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Oh Evelyn!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Our First Playdate
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Guess What!!
Here's a picture from some afternoon play. If you look closely you can see one of the little toothers under her tongue (although Jared disagrees). I LOVE this picture!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Lazy Labor Day Weekend
- Saturday I worked from 10am-2pm fulfilling the Kodak dreams of parents all across the Illinois Valley. I did awesome for my first time photographing in 4months!
- Sunday we attended a casual Labor Day dinner at my moms house. Guestlist-Mom, Gary, Jared, Evelyn, me, Garrett. We spent the entire afternoon in a circle on the living room floor watching Evelyn talk and play on a quilt. Heaven!
- Monday we successfully stayed in our pajamas until about noon. Evelyn went down for a nap and mommy rushed to the mall to find some fall clothes for Evelyn and a fall jacket for herself. (She also ended up finding an amazing Guess pea coat for friggin $15!!!! Amazing!) I also picked up an Adidas track suit for Evelyn. She's been workin out.

Tonight Grandpa Gary, Evelyn and I attended an Amboy Clippers football game vs the Mendota Trojans. My step-brother, Garrett, is the star of the Amboy football team! I swear, every tackle his name was announced. He was great! They won 32 to 12. Gooooo Clippers!! We took Evelyn in her Snuggli so she didn't have to be held the entire time and we didn't have to lug any kind of seat into the bleachers. She loved it! It was an hour long game and she held up through the whole thing, fussing once when she dropped her teething ring through the bleachers-thankfully we had 2more in the bag ;) Supermom!!
And one last thing-Evelyn tried cantalope recently and clearly was not a fan.

Friday, September 4, 2009
Hooray For Hand Coordination!

Other highlights of the day:
- After a 30minute wait at the car dealership we received news that my car is A-okay!
- A short visit with Grandpa Gar and Grandma Nanc.
- Evelyn felt for the first time, and loved, grass.
- We spent a few hours with Grandma Jo including a quick visit from Sarah.
- And Evelyn successfully sat up on her own-with her hands between her legs for support.
All in all it was a great day!! Now work tomorrow and Sunday and Monday will be spent in our pajamas not leaving the house. Yay!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
School, Jobs and Sweet Potatoes
Now I know this blog was meant for Evelyn, but since I don't talk to most of you everyday I feel the need to update on myself as well :)
I took my second Exam and I unfortunately scored an 86%B. My overall grade is still a 93%A but I really wanted to score all A's on my Exams. Oh well. I'm still doing good.
Moving on...Jared took Evelyn to daycare this morning where she would not take her eys off of Caroline long enough to say goodbye to him. She reported Evelyn took a morning nap for around and hour and an afternoon nap from noon-3pm. We're back on track and I couldn't be happier. She was very playful when we got home and enjoyed her exersaucer while I ate some quick dinner. We spent the rest of the evening with Jared's step-grandmother, Dorothy, who is such a joy to talk to. We discussed my schooling and she shared her experiences as a CNA. We also looked at my blog together-she is 78-years-old and knows how to e-mail and surf the internet. I was highly impressed. Here is a picture of our trip to her house..before Evelyn ate an entire jar of sweet potatoes and turkey. Piggy piggy. (Keep in mind it was taken on my phone and e-mailed to myself. Not the best quality.)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Miss Piggy
After another terrible day of school I picked Evelyn up from day care. Finally, relief! She greeted me with a big ol' smile and we came home to relax. We had our afternoon nurse, played on the floor a little, spent some time in the exersaucer and decided to have some dinner. Here is a Evelyn patiently waiting for her din din.

And yes. She is sitting up all on her own....well, with a little help from the high chair, but impressive none the less.
Now with the stage1 vegetables, she usually only ate about a tablespoon. Last night I fed her apples and chicken (stage2) for the first time and she ate about 1/3 of the jar-I started with a tablespoon..then another...and then another! Tonight I warmed up another 1/3 of the jar and she ate it faster than the speed of light. I could barely get the bites to her mouth fast enough. And every time I tried scraping the excess off her chin she would follow the spoon, making it very difficult, but hilarious. She had alligator tears between every bite and before I knew it, I was warming up the last 1/3 and shoveling it into her very hungry mouth. After this she was still unsatisfied and I ended up feeding her about 1/3 of a jar of squash. What an oink! But she never spit up aferwards, and after a walk and a nighty night nurse she is sound asleep. Thank goodness! Mommy has a quiz in the morning.