Monday, September 21, 2009

A Day of Firsts

The moment you've all been waiting for. The reveal of my Brand! New! Bathroom!!!


In worse news, as a result of a poor decision Jared has made, Evelyn and I will be staying with my mother for a while. It has been a rough adjustment for all of us. Evelyn's schedule is officially destroyed, I had to change daycares after we finally just got a routine down, all of our baby gear AND my things are packed into one small bedroom and it is VERY hard to do homework while handling a baby on your own. Taking care of a baby on your own is very hard work, especially when teething. She has had such a hard time going to bed the past few nights. I am SO frustrated. And with no time to study I am just a mess. Hopefully we will be home soon. I miss my little house. Especially since I have spent so much time and effort making it look so nice. This is Jared and Evelyn's longest stay apart and they are both taking it pretty bad. Hope things shape up. Evelyn had a few interesting firsts. After eating a large dinner of Apples&Chicken, a little Ham AND some Banana/Pear/Granola (yum!), she was still unsatisfied. I was eating some watermelon and decided to rip her off a chunk. She nawed on a medium sized square and used her bottom teeth to get a few shavings into her mouth. She really enjoyed the juice and the feeling on her hands and teeth. And earlier in the day my mother made some butternut squash. I had never had this before and thought it was amazing! Evelyn was eyeing it, of course, so I fed her a few bites. She ate it very well and was definantly a fan. It's fun sharing food with her.

We also went to the park for the very first time today and to my surprise, she LOVED the swing!! A little small, but she hung in like a champ. We will definantly try this again before it gets too cold out.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the new bathroom! Is that a basket on the back of the toilet? Genius! I'm stealing that one.
