Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our First Sandwich Fair

And what a great day for it! It was warm and sunny with a perfect breeze!

After napping on the ride there, Evelyn enjoyed the stroller ride through the fair and only nursed once while we were there due to her brand new bottom teeth. She was loving the fresh air and ready to hit the fair festivities.

First stop-Grandma Nancy's quilt which received a purple ribbon, the highest placement. It was beautiful. The woman working commented it was 'alot of people's favorite'. My mom was more than pleased to hear that. (On the way back home we stopped at Walgreens to print out this picture of my moms quilt and frame it for her. She was very pleased to find it waiting for her when she returned home.)After a nice nurse on a secluded bench we met up with Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Gary. Now, in the past I have totally looked down on people who take their children to loud events, but this afternoon Evelyn attended her first demolition derby. That's right, we're white trash-right Karen?
There were 4heats in the event and during the second, two cars crashed so loudly it caused Evelyn to jump in fright and spit out her paci. This is where I drew the line. I immediately took her out of the venue and we found a perfect little spot in a shady area and settled in for a little cuddling. After a few verses of Rock A-Bye Baby she was sound asleep, sleeping through the end of the derby and the whole way home.

Unfortunately, last night she was up from midnight to 3am whining and crying in pain. After several unsuccessful attempts to feed and comfort her, she finally gave in to the Noggin network and fell asleep. Tonight, after a disolvable teething relief strip, she fell asleep at 6pm and will probably be waking up sometime soon so I'm going to try and get some sleep!

1 comment:

  1. That's a cute picture! If you're white trash, I'm right there with you!
