Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cantelope Disaster

Evelyn is so over baby food. She wants to eat like a big girl. Today we shared a lunch of ham, potatoes and carrots. Afterwards we decided to have cantelope to refresh our palate. A few nights ago I gave her a big ol' chunk of watermelon (after I inspected is to make sure it was free of seeds) and she nawed on it with her two little bottom teeth, occasionaly scraping a small shaving into her mouth. We have a handle thing with a net for things like this but I tried giving it to her once before and she was not a fan. My cousin, Sarah, informed me to pack it completely full to keep the shape and it may regain her interest. Anyways, since I didn't have it on hand I just gave her a big piece she couldn't possibly get in her mouth. After sucking the first piece completely dry I threw it away and gave her a second. A few seconds into it she began to choke and started crying her cry of sudden pain. I freaked out! I was so scared. I ripped the cantalope out of her hand patted her on the back hoping to get it down, or up, and it still didn't help. Thankfully I took my CPR class because I learned how to save a choking infant. I held her belly down at a downward angle and slapped her on the back. The piece of cantalope came shooting out. I felt terrible! She was so scared. I think we'll have to use the net from now on. Looking back that was a pretty stupid idea.


  1. Not a stupid idea at all, Ali, just a scary lesson, right? No way you could know that it would have that effect on her. If you're going to use the little net thingy, I suggest you dampen it with water first before you put the fruit in. It makes it easier for them to get the juices started. Lauren didn't like hers either when it was dry, but as soon as I wet it she loved it...apples, melons, veggies. Works great! She'll be munching that stuff on her own before you know it.

  2. OMG! That is scary! Good for you to know how to deal with that situation (even though panicked).
