Monday, October 19, 2009

Almost A Terrible Night

My first day was a success! I made it out the door exactly on time and the girl training me said I did great for my first day. I'm pretty confident in my abilities yet I was a tad overwhelmed today. So much to memorize in only two weeks-who gets what care, what time, etc. But I'm sure I'll get it down.

I woke Evelyn at 5:30am to take her to Grandma Jill's. She arose with a scowl but when I lifted her from her crib she gave a little grin then laid her head on my shoulder to rub her eyes. Heaven. She went back to sleep at Grandma's for another hour and a half and arrived at daycare around 9am. She ate well-I pumped exactly the amount she ate-BUT she only took a one hour nap. She was relieved to see me when I picked her up and sadly her eyes were red from crying. She had just woken up, hungry I'm sure.

Once we were home she enjoyed herself on the living room floor playing with an assortment of toys and books while Grandma Nancy and I watched. My mom holds up this mirror Karen gave us and Evelyn can see her at an angle. She'll look in the mirror to see her, then look over at her and smile. It's adorable. As soon as Grandma left she began to fuss. She played in her high chair and ate O's while I made dinner but unexpectedly took a turn for the worse when we sat down to eat. She was crying so hard all of a sudden. I took her out to give her a bath, her favorite, and she splashed around for a while and again began to cry-through the washing in the tub, her diaper, her pajamas-until we turned on Dora. She quickly was sick of this as well and began crying again. I thought the worst-teething! I was scared of the thought of Jared working tonight and me being home alone with her crying through the night in pain. Ahhh!

Thank goodness it was such a beautiful night. We grabbed a hat and a ton of blankets and went for a stroll. After 3minutes she was asleep. And what a scenic walk we had. It was beautiful, all the leaves and the weather. She awoke once we returned home but fortunately dozed back off (by 7:30). Phew! Thank you, Lord. This momma needs some sleep after today!! My feet are killin' me!

1 comment:

  1. How's Evelyn feeling?? It seems everyone has a cold or something.....starting early this year!! Makes me wonder what it will be like in Jan-Feb!! Hope she's better!!
