Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Life In HD

My glasses finally came today. Hooray! I can see again! I can read the guide on DirecTV! But it's a little overwhelming. My vision is almost too clear, I feel like I'm getting a headache. My eye Dr. said to just keep wearing them, I may feel like they're too strong because I'm not used to them. Hopefully it all works out. It's nice to not have to squint all day. I can't tell you how many people I see driving, in the store, at school that wave to me and I have to glare to see them. They all probably think I'm mean :(

Last night my fussy baby was not falling asleep so I gave her a teeny bottle of juice-1/2 oz of juice, 1 1/2 oz water. Now don't worry, I am definantly NOT going to make this a habit. It scares me to start giving her juice knowing it calms her down. My cousin explained to me she gave her kids juice kind of early and they drink alot now. Not that it's unhealthy, just at this age I feel she should be drinking strictly breastmilk (or if you bottle feed, formula) for nutrients. Anyways, last night I gave her a tiny bottle and it was leaking out of her mouth so I took it away and she instantly started crying. Once I gave it back she was fine. This also happened the other day-she was using the safe feeder to eat a slice of cantaloupe and cried when I took the feeder to refill it. It's kind of funny. She is getting so smart! My little monkey.

One more thing, today was Jared's 28th birthday. I planned on not buying him a present or card to let him know how disappointing and heartbreaking it is to not receive anything from your significant other as he did to me on every birthday EVER and on my first Mother's Day-well Mother's Day I got a card at least. Since we've been together I've always made his birthday a special day and you all know my great idea from Father's Day. It really hurts my feelings to not be appreciated on these special days. So tonight we had plans to go to a local bar & grill for dinner. I told him Happy Birthday this morning and that was the end of it. By the time we went for dinner I couldn't hold out. About an hour before leaving I had to run to the dollar store so I stopped by the restaurant we were going to to plan a surprise dessert. A bartender that I am acquainted with explained she would be running to the grocery store and offered to pick out a cake. When we were through with dinner we were enjoying some conversation when they came out with cake and candles and the whole bar sang Happy Birthday to him. He was so surprised! Evelyn totally wanted those candles, too. I let him know how upsetting it was to never have received a surprise like this. I think my next birthday will be good.


  1. Does he know that your birthday will be written about for all to read? Yeah. He better make it good. :)

  2. Guy's are lame like that.... trust me I don't think they do it on purpose. Greg and I have never really done much for Birthday's either. It's always been a card and dinner... nothing out of the ordinary. Well last year was I was pregnant on my Birthday... so we planned on dinner as always. Guess what my lovely husband did! He invited a bunch of his foreman out with us (mind you I have no relationship with them or even know half of them)one of the guys had the same B-Day as me... so they made it about him (not me) and then Greg dragged my pregnant butt to a bar afterwards. Needless to say I was a bit miffed at the situation and Greg had no clue why! Guys are so dumb sometimes... so this year I assured him (since I am pregnant again) that we will be going to dinner by OURSELVES and a movie. It's my day and that's what I WANT TO DO! Since we are saving money for Christmas and Maternity leave I told him not to buy me anything... but I'm sure I will get a card as always. I hope your guy does something for your next Birthday... but if not.. don't sweat it. Men are so oblivious to stuff like that!
