Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Schedule Malfunction

Do you love my new blog or what? My friend Kelly introduced me to a supercute website with lots of backgrounds to choose from. Love it!

My mom called me with a great proposition this morning-she wanted to spend some time with her darling granddaughter and offered to babysit while I took Jared out to lunch for his birthday. Sold! We went to a new bar in Peru about 20minutes away called Cabin Fever. We had a few drinks, ate some good food and really enjoyed ourselves. The bartender was great, she was fun and in a great mood and the food and drinks were very reasonably priced-we'll definitely be going back. It was nice to spend some time alone together and we had a really good time.

Evelyn woke up right before we left and was excited to see Grandma. When we got home she was worn out from singing and dancing and was ready for a nap. She drank a little bottle and fell right asleep. Earlier at her morning naptime, around 9am, I could tell she was tired. After refusing to nurse I slipped her her paci, laid her in her crib and she rolled over and put herself to sleep. So tonight I thought it would be a breeze to get her in bed. This proved to be untrue-she was changed, nursed, rocked and still was unhappy. After finally winding down a bit she wanted to nurse a little more. I laid on her new carpet with her and she drank a few swallows and rolled onto her side which usually means goodnight! But she wasn't ready just yet. I began rubbing her back and the instant I stopped she would rollover to see if I was still there. This wasn't working out, my hand was beginning to tire, so we went back to the rocking chair. She was falling asleep but had to know for sure I was still there. She loves glasses and touching faces and began doing so while I was rocking her. She finally fell asleep with her little hand tightly grasping my nose. It took all I could not to laugh and wake her up. She's such a firecracker, I love her so.

I've been stressing out and getting frustrated about her getting off her schedule. Some days are good, some days are bad. The past few nights haven't been so bad-bed on time last night, regular naps today-but tonight was a late bedtime-an hour behind schedule. I'm not going to stress though. She's gotten offtrack before but once she began attending daycare she resumed her normal schedule. I find comfort in the thought of her attending next week. Hopefully it will all fall into place again. I'll be waking up at 4:30am-no room for error.

Oh! And I almost forgot. Evelyn got up on her knees today. She'll be crawling in no time! Watch out world.


  1. How old is Evelyn now? Around 3 months I started with the “put yourself to sleep method”. The first few nights are rough and it takes about a week to two weeks to get it to work right… but it sure makes life easier on everyone. I rocked both kid’s to sleep until the 3 month mark and then it was a bottle and in bed they went sleeping or not. I would tuck them in with their silkies and pacifier… hit the light and shut the door. The first few nights they would fuss and cry and every 10 min I would go in and re-adjust them… and then walk out and shut the door. Honestly the first night it took about 30-45 min and by the third night it only took 10 min. I did this with nap and bedtime and I made sure to tell my daycare provider to do it this way as well. Like I said after a week you can’t even remember how it was to try and get them to finally fall asleep.

    With both kid’s sharing a room now… it was very important that they both be able to go to sleep w/o me being in the room. Not only do they both get put in bed at the same time (nap and bedtime)… but they are fast asleep within 5-10 min of me shutting the door. Another nice thing about having them learn to go to sleep on their own is for when you switch out of the crib and move them into a toddler bed. Blaine knows that once we lay him in his bed he is not allowed to get out until we say so (we transitioned him out of the crib at 18 months – so we had time to get him used to it before we had Brealy). We lay him down and he puts himself to sleep and when he wakes up he has to scream for us to come get him (like when he was in the crib). He never gets out of bed w/o our ok which really puts my mind at ease (I’ve heard horribly stories about kid’s getting out of bed and getting outside at night or getting into things in the bathroom when the parents are sleeping). I also have a friend that never did the “put yourself to sleep” thing and at nearly 3 yrs old she is still having to sit in the room until her son falls asleep. If she doesn’t he gets up and gets into things. She literally has to lay there and hold him down in bed until he goes to sleep (some nights it takes 2 hours)! I’ve never dealt with that and hope to never have to. With two kid’s I could not imagine having to rock them or lay with them until they fell asleep. Once 7:00 pm hits I have them in bed… b/c the time after that is “MY” time and I need that after a long day of work… haha. Another nice reason to teach them to do this themselves is for when they get to the age of standing. Brealy will pull herself up in her crib as soon as I walk out of the room... she will gab away for about 5 min…. then lay down and go to sleep. If I was in the room with her she would never go to sleep…. which is why I’m grateful that she does it herself. It sounds like you enjoy your time with Evelyn on most given nights… so I understand if you don’t want to give that bedtime routine up. I’m just giving a suggestion that could make your life easier in the future and give you a little more “Mommy time”. One more thing… you may find that she stays on a routine better b/c she trains herself and her body just kind of knows that once those lights go off I need to go to sleep.

  2. Part II (LOL)

    If you do want her to learn to put herself to sleep I would start it now. Once they can stand up… it really makes the transition more difficult on both of you. I love the 3 month mark b/c they can barely roll over… so when I go in to re-adjust them I only have to give them their pacifier and re-cover them. If they can stand-up then you are constantly laying them back down and it could take longer to get them to give-in and go to sleep. If you wait until they are 1 you are really in trouble… b/c by that point they can usually crawl out of their crib which makes things even more crazy. Blaine never crawled out of his crib… b/c his routine was so strict and he was exhausted by the time nap and bedtime hit. He would literally grab his silkie and pass out in minutes. Everyone who has watched our kids have been amazed at how easy bedtime is in our house is.

    OH yes… and I love your new profile! It turned out really cute!

    Sorry for the book... haha. I just feel for mom's in school and know how some nights you need that time for homework or relaxing.

  3. Hey Alli! I love your new blog. It's really cute. Sounds like you've been having lots of fun with that little cutie. I got your pictures (thanks!) and they's adorable! Cute little family. Hope to see you soon. Love you!
