Thursday, October 29, 2009


I LOVE my job. So many interesting things happen each day and I love the residents at my home. Unfortunately due to confidentiality I cannot share any stories. :( Sorry.

It's nice to get off work at 2pm and still have pretty much the whole day to do your own thing. I usually wake up around 4am to begin my morning routine and return home to shower before picking her up from daycare-don't want to spread any germs from the nursing home! Our daycare provider prefers I pick her up at 3:30pm since they take their 2nd nap at 2pm which works out nice for me so I can shower and get a few things done at home. Besides her teething fussiness we've had a pretty smooth operation going. It's nice to still spend the day with her.

She is cutting 2 new teeth and our lives have been hell because of it! She has been fussy, fussy, fussy. We took her to the hospital Wednesday with symptoms of the Swine Flu-high fever, refusing to drink/nurse, increased fussiness(perhaps due to body aches?) and a rash. The rash started on her forehead and soon spread over her entire body. We found out it was all due to teeth. We were informed to use Motrin vs Tylenol and it has worked SO much better! I noticed such a big change the first night. Hopefully those babies pop in soon so I can continue sleeping through the night-we now have a 2am nurse when the Motrin wears off.

In other Evelyn news, she has learned to pull herself up into a standing position, can stand at a play table for minutes at a time, almost has the hang of waving bye-bye and can get up on her hands and knees to rock back and forth. She thinks, "Maybe if I rock back and forth here for a while I'll shoot forward!" No luck yet, but I have a feeling it'll be soon!!

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