Sunday, October 18, 2009

Wish Me Luck

We had a relaxing Sunday. We got a lot done-vacuumed the whole house, dust/windex, bathroom cleaned, lots of laundry, Jared made french toast for breakfast and painted the trim in Evelyn's room. All of this before Evelyn's morning nap.

When she awoke we joined some friends of ours and their 2-month-old son, Dawson, for a Vikings game and lunch. After the game we had a short visit with Jared's Grandma Rainbow who showed us pictures of her trip to the East coast. We didn't quite stay home like we planned, but we had a fun, relaxing day-tomorrow morning will be the opposite!

I have the diaper bag packed, scrubs laid out, lunch made and my pump plugged in and ready to go first thing in the morning. I can't wait to snuggle up in our King sized down comforter we busted out for winter (already!). Evelyn fell asleep at 7:30 giving me time to prepare my things and still have a 1/2 hour to watch tv. Hopefully she'll continue this early bedtime, which has lasted the past 2nights. I'm worried it will be crunch time when I pick her up from daycare-nurse, unpack diaper bag, dinner, get ready for bed and the next day-and won't have much time to spend with her. I'll still have 2 days off a week but we will most likely be busy those days with family, dr appts and I will probably be exhausted. I hope I still get time with my Bug. I'm gonna miss her.

Wish me luck-hopefully everything goes smoothly in the morning

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful blog page! (I haven't visited because for some reason my blog never showed that you had a new post - duh!). Glad your first day was a success!
